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Here's how it works. News · Road. UCI request doping procedure against Carlos Barredo. By Cycling News. published October 18, 2012. Rabobank rider snared by ...
Es fehlt: Rede Antwort stehen
18.10.2012 · ... UCI that a disciplinary procedure has been opened against him on the grounds of suspected blood doping. The UCI has contacted the rider, the ...
Es fehlt: Rede Antwort stehen
As a signatory of the World Anti-Doping Code, the UCI takes its responsibilities in the fight against doping very seriously.
Es fehlt: Barredo Rede Antwort stehen
cyclingnews: Del Moral reveals doping programme at Spanish Federation, with Ferrari involved ... müssen, wie dopingverseucht ... siehe auch c4f: die UCI und Doping.
2010, »Dopingdefinitionen – von der Moral zum Recht«, in: Was ist Doping? (Hg.) Asmuth, Christoph (Brennpunkt Doping; 1) Bielefeld 2010, 13-32.
The UCI Anti-Doping Tribunal was established in January 2015. The UCI Anti-Doping Tribunal takes over the task, previously delegated by the UCI to the ...
Es fehlt: Barredo Rede Antwort stehen
16.05.2024 · UCI suspends Banco Guayaquil-Bianchi for 20 days following two anti-doping violations in 12 months. By Kirsten Frattini. published May 16, 2024.
Es fehlt: Barredo Rede Antwort stehen
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