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19.01.2014 · "I don't know all the details," Evans told limited media sources including Cyclingnews. "The only thing it appears to me is that [cycling] must ...
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20.01.2014 · Australian cycling star Cadel Evans has defended former BMC team-mate Alessandro Ballan, who was sacked after a doping ban.
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20.01.2014 · Evans insists that professional cyclists looking to protect their health are at risk of their careers being wrecked by being accused of doping.
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20.01.2014 · CADEL Evans has spoken for the first time about his former teammate Alessandro Ballan after the 2008 world road champion was sacked from the BMC ...
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02.05.2011 · Cadel Evans' Tour de France hopes have been clouded by the suspension of key team-mate Alessandro Ballan. Ballan was stood down on Monday by ...
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07.01.2013 · BMC Racing's intended number one Tour Down Under rider Alessandro Ballan will be released from a Spanish hospital this week.
Es fehlt: Doping- wirbt Verstä ndnis für
29.03.2012 · ALESSANDRO Ballan, a key lieutentant in Cadel Evans' bid for back-to-back Tour de France wins, has been dragged into a doping probe.
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28.05.2010 · ... Cadel Evans (Australien) Ballan intern gesperrt. Der Weltmeister von 2008 war im Zuge der Doping-Ermittlungen gegen sein früheres Team ...
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