15.10.2015 · Saxo Bank has confirmed it will not sponsor the Tinkoff team in 2016, ending an eight-year relationship with the team created by Bjarne Riis ...
Es fehlt: verlä ngert Bennatis Vertrag
12.12.2015 · In an exclusive interview with Cyclingnews, Oleg Tinkov has revealed that Tinkoff Bank will ends its sponsorship and that he will sell the team ...
Es fehlt: verlä ngert Bennatis Vertrag
15.10.2015 · COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) — Denmark's Saxo Bank says it will not renew its sponsorship of the Tinkoff-Saxo cycling team, which includes ...
Es fehlt: verlä ngert Bennatis Vertrag 2016
Tinkoff (UCI team code: TNK) was a Russian-registered professional cycling team from Russia and previously Denmark. It competed in the UCI World Tour.
Es fehlt: verlä ngert Bennatis Vertrag
12.08.2015 · The Tinkoff-Saxo team has said that, starting Thursday, it plans to begin naming riders who will be given contract extensions for 2016.
Es fehlt: verlä ngert Bennatis Vertrag
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