05.11.2013 · The new UCI head, Brian Cookson, has said there has been no communication so far from Lance Armstrong regarding a 'truth and reconciliation' ...
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12.06.2015 · UCI president Brian Cookson has come under criticism from Lance Armstrong for a lack of vision and inability to 'take people down'.
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09.03.2015 · CIRC report not end of Lance Armstrong saga but challenge for UCI president ... Cycling appears willing to move forward having laid its past bare ...
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27.01.2015 · Armstrong has spoken to the UCI funded Cycling Independent Reform Commission (CIRC) as he tries to secure a reduction in his life ban issued ...
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09.03.2015 · The International Cycling Union (UCI) is accused of initiating a "cover-up of doping offences" in a 227-page report published by the Cycling ...
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16.04.2015 · “UCI saw Lance Armstrong as the perfect choice to lead the sport's renaissance after the Festina scandal,” CIRC stated, referring to the doping ...
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09.03.2015 · Under Cookson, the UCI set up the independent three-person commission to investigate the causes of doping in cycling and allegations that the ...
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09.03.2015 · UCI hid Armstrong dope test, says new chief Cookson ... "UCI exempted Lance Armstrong ... The UCI boss has a lot on his plate, however, as the CIRC ...
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