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27.06.2011 · Matthew Hulsizer, the most promising potential buyer of the beleaguered Phoenix Coyotes to come along since the team was thrown into ...
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28.06.2011 · Hulsizer ended his bid for the financially troubled Coyotes after failing to work out a new arena lease with Glendale. The city recently ...
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27.06.2011 · Phoenix Business Journal reports today that prospective buyer, Chicago businessman Matthew Hulsizer, is dropping his bid to buy the team from ...
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... Phoenix, da is der Ist-Zustand noch besser. ... If the Hulsizer ... mMn würde er frischen Wind bringen, das Franchise führen um zu gewinnen und nicht Geld zu ...
27.06.2011 · Chicago investment executive Matthew Hulsizer has pulled his bid and no longer wants to buy the Phoenix Coyotes. Just because Hulsizer has ...
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27.06.2011 · Reports today say that Matthew Hulsizer has pulled out negotiations with Glendale to buy the Phoenix Coyotes from the NHL.
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Nachdem der Chicagoer Geschäftsmann Michael Hulsizer im Juni sein Interesse an einem Kauf zu den Akten gelegt hatte, soll es nun zwei weitere potenzielle ...
06.05.2011 · The latest on the fate of the Phoenix Coyotes is that despite the $25 million the city of Glendale agreed to pay the NHL team, ...
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21.08.2013 · PHOENIX (AP) — A person close to the situation says Chicago businessman Matthew Hulsizer is out as a potential buyer of the financially ...
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11.07.2011 · A few things have become clear over the years when it comes to the Phoenix Coyotes ownership saga. Like being engaged, nothing is official ...
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