04.10.2023 · Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., passed Tuesday with the support of eight Republicans and all the Democrats present and voting. The vote made McCarthy the ...
23.10.2023 · House Republicans are trying once again to nominate a new speaker to lead the chamber. A candidate forum is planned for Monday.
10.10.2023 · Days after the U.S. Congress enacted a short-term continuing resolution (CR) to continue to fund the federal government through November 17, ...
04.10.2023 · A handful of Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday ousted Republican Speaker Kevin McCarthy, as party infighting ...
13.09.2023 · Kevin McCarthy has for now lost the House speaker's gavel in an historic moment on the heels of a showdown on Capitol Hill over government ...
03.01.2023 · The House adjourned Tuesday without a speaker, and opposition to the Republican leader only increased in the final ballot.
03.10.2023 · Speaker Kevin McCarthy was voted out of the job Tuesday in an extraordinary showdown, a first in U.S. history that was forced by a ...
05.10.2023 · The House on Tuesday voted to remove California Republican Kevin McCarthy from his position as House speaker. Here's what comes next.
06.12.2023 · Rep. Kevin McCarthy of Bakersfield announces he will resign after fellow Republicans booted him as House speaker. Who might replace him?
06.12.2023 · Kevin McCarthy is leaving the House at the end of the month, he said on Wednesday.