On this lesson it only accepts plain old strong tags. It seems to work just fine if I spice them up though, such as`Red bold words` I'm new to CSS and had ...
Es fehlt: Adventskalender 2019
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strongRed {color: red;}I free very strongly about this. Remember that it's color, not font-color. All the other font related properties begin with the word font ...
Es fehlt: Adventskalender 2019
07.10.2008 · Hi - is there css code for bold red text? I'd like <strong red>text</strong> NOT <strong class=“red”>text</strong> thanks! - Val.
Es fehlt: Adventskalender 2019
15.09.2023 · The fontcolor() method of String values creates a string that embeds this string in a <font> element ( <font color="...">str</font> ), which ...
Es fehlt: strong Adventskalender 2019 strong>
15 Alignment, font styles, and horizontal rules · Background color · Alignment · Floating objects. Float an object; Float text around an object.
Es fehlt: Adventskalender 2019
27.03.2021 · You do it like this in HTML with some CSS styling: <b style='color:red;'>English</b>. Run code snippet. Hide results. Expand snippet ...
Es fehlt: Adventskalender 2019
Configure the user agent to render the following test text using user specified colors and background colors. Run test. Text color: black, background-color: ...
Es fehlt: strong Adventskalender 2019 strong>
20.11.2023 · Sometimes you just need to pop into the code and change things yourself. Here, we show you how to change the HTML font color with ease.
Es fehlt: Adventskalender 2019
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