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09.02.2018 · Nach seinem dritten Sieg in Folge führt Fernando Gaviria in der Gesamtwertung nun mit 17 Sekunden vor Sebastian Molano und mit 23 Sekunden vor ...
Fernando Gaviria continued his dream Colombia Oro y Paz race with a third win after dominating the bunch sprint at the conclusion of stage 3 in Buga.
Es fehlt: Hattrick Heimat perfekt
09.02.2018 · After his third win in a row, Fernando Gaviria now leads the overall standings by 17 seconds over Sebastian Molano and 23 seconds over Matteo ...
Es fehlt: Hattrick Heimat perfekt
Fernando Gaviria wins again at Colombia Oro y Paz 2018. The Colombian strips down his rivals and takes over for the third time in a row in his motherland.
Es fehlt: Heimat perfekt
06.02.2018 · Der bei der Vuelta a San Juan noch gestürzte Fernando Gaviria vollendete ohne jede Mühe die Vorarbeit seiner Teamkollegen zum Etappensieg. In ...
06.02.2018 · After a textbook lead-out and a perfectly-timed sprint, the 23-year-old won the first ever stage of Colombia Oro y Paz and donned three distinctive jerseys.
Es fehlt: Hattrick Heimat perfekt
06.02.2018 · Gaviria was imperious in Palmira on what was a short and flat opener to the six-stage race. Such was the dominance of his Quick-Step Floors team.
Es fehlt: Hattrick Heimat perfekt
13.02.2018 · Nobody could match the power of Fernando Gaviria (Quick-Step Floors) in the sprints and Nairo's younger brother Dayer finally got to share the ...
Es fehlt: Hattrick Heimat perfekt
Fernando Gaviria (Quick-Step Floors) won a bunch sprint at the end of the second stage of the Colombia Oro y Paz on Wednesday to claim his second victory in the ...
Es fehlt: Hattrick Heimat perfekt
12.02.2018 · Quick-Step Floors' rider Gaviria capped off an excellent week at his home race with Points jersey, which Alaphilippe and Naravez concluded ...
Es fehlt: Hattrick Heimat perfekt
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