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16—19 September 2009, Basel, Switzerland. «The Fascination of Complexity — Dealing with Individuals in a Field of Uncertainty». WONCA Basel 2009. Rund 4000 ...
This year the London Deanery awarded travel bursaries for five trainees to attend the WONCA Europe Conference in Basel. The aim was to provide us with an ...
A New Perspective—WONCA Europe Conference 2009, Basel, Switzerland. Dr Duveken Voors dvoors@doctors.org.ukView all authors and affiliations. Volume 3, Issue 7.
Wonca 2009 - Basel im Zentrum der Medizin: damals und heute ... Dieser Text ist nur als PDF verfügbar. Copyright. Veröffentlicht unter der ...
Abstracts of the 15th Wonca (World Organization of National Colleges ... 2009, Basel, Switzerland.
22.08.2012 · Encounter in General Practice/Family Medicine is a meeting point between illness and disease. Looking at patients and doctors beliefs and ...
Wonca Conference 2009 Basel, Switzerland. PDF; 0. Continuous professional development. B Kissling. Weitere informationen. Ausgabe. 2007/11. DOI: https://doi.org ...
The fascination of complexity: dealing with individuals in a field of uncertainty, the theme of the 2009 WONCA Europe conference in Basel, introduced complexity ...
Explore this photo album by Wonca 2013 Prague on Flickr!
Highlight number 1 was the starting sig- nal: for the first time ever we had the priv- ilege of staging the European scientific.