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WONCA has led the way in addressing, both the pressing issues and the emerging challenges, of general practice and family medicine around the globe.
Weitere Fragen
Wo ist Wonca 2025?
Wofür steht Wonca?
Was ist Wonca, Europa?
Wonca – a network of general practitioners and friends. When I returned from Dublin, I was excited and told my colleagues about these precious experiences.
WONCA Europe fully agrees and endorses WONCA World Statement on Health Professionals Working in Areas of Conflict.
Es fehlt: basel | Suchen mit:basel
WONCA Basel 2009. Rund 4000 Hausärztinnen und Hausärzte trafen sich zum 15. Jahreskongress von Wonca Europe in Basel, der mit mehr als 130 Workshops und ...
This year the London Deanery awarded travel bursaries for five trainees to attend the WONCA Europe Conference in Basel. The aim was to provide us with an ...
The European Young Family Doctors Movement (former Vasco da Gama Movement) is the WONCA Europe Network for New and Future General Practitioners / Family ...
Explore this photo album by Wonca 2013 Prague on Flickr!
A New Perspective—WONCA Europe Conference 2009, Basel, Switzerland. Dr Duveken Voors dvoors@doctors.org.ukView all authors and affiliations. Volume 3, Issue 7.
28.06.2022 · Der Wonca-Europe-Kongress in Basel als Chance für die Prävention. Gedanken aus dem Publikum zum Workshop «Health Promotion and Prevention in ...
The Wonca Europe Conference in Basel will not help Family Medi- cine to be developed and recognized and nothing will change – a very depressing expectation ...