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On April 2nd, join us in the second international day of action against deportation camps and for the freedom of movement and right to stay. On May 1st, come to ...
Apr 26, 2005 · On May 1st, come to the Euromayday Parades an/dd take part in the actions on the streets of Europe. We are acting to become the protagonists of our own lives.
official callout for the euromayday parade in milan and barcelona on may 1st 2004 1. maggio/ maig/ mayo/ may/ mai 2004 Milano -- Barcelona EURO MAYDAY 004 ...
Notícies :: globalització neoliberal : immigració : laboral ; +fotos EuroMayday Bcn ; per striker, 01 mai 2005.
On May 1st, come to the Euromayday Parades an/dd take part in the actions on the streets of Europe. We are acting to become the protagonists of our own lives.
Euromayday 2011 Dortmund · Themen: · Arbeits- & Klassenkampf · Antirassismus & Migration · Freiräume & Wohnungsnot.
Hoy, 16 ciudades europeas celebran un nuevo Euromayday con fiestas, manifestaciones, acciones y, como no, procesiones. En Barcelona, la CofradÃa de Santa ...
Primero de Mayo europeo (EuroMayDay) en Aquisgrán ; per EuroMayDay. Correu-e: euromayday ARROBA (no verificat!) 29 mar 2008 ; http://www.euromayday ...
„Kommt nach vorne!“ – unter diesem Motto fand am Samstag, den 04. Mai, der Euromayday Ruhr 2013 statt. Etwa 700 Teilnehmer_innen waren dem Aufruf gefolgt ...
L'emploi est à la mode ! A la mode de l'emploi précaire ! ... (interdiction du rmi aux moins de 25 ans). La précarité de l'emploi, c'est le travail sous contrôle.