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27.09.2015 · Cyclist apologises but does not reveal how much he has paid SCA Promotions of Dallas, which demanded repayment after doping admission.
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In 2004, Armstrong and Tailwind Sports sued Dallas-based SCA Promotions ... Armstrong was well aware that systematic doping had occurred on his teams. ... © 2024, ...
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27.09.2015 · After years of lying about it and fighting those who questioned it, Armstrong finally admitted to doping in a televised interview with Oprah ...
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16.02.2015 · After Armstrong publicly appeared and copped to doping in an interview with Oprah Winfrey, SCA filed a lawsuit of its own to reclaim the ...
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28.09.2015 · Dallas-based SCA Promotions first pursued evidence of doping against Armstrong in 2005. Although the company paid Armstrong in 2006, the ...
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27.09.2015 · SCA hatte später wegen der Dopinganschuldigungen gegen den heute 44-Jährigen eine Schadensersatzklage angestrengt. Erst im Janur 2013 gestand ...
27.09.2015 · ... Armstrong in einem TV-Interview umfangreiches Doping und verlor alle Tour-Titel.In einem weiteren Verfahren muss sich Armstrong noch gegen ...
16.02.2015 · When Armstrong confessed to doping in 2013, the company began working to revisit the legal case. Last February, a judge cleared the way for SCA ...
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