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18.01.2013 · Armstrong said the doping during his triumphs – which revolved around oxygen-boosting drugs to improve endurance – was brazen and not at all ...
Es fehlt: Gesammelte | Suchen mit:Gesammelte
17.01.2013 · Lance Armstrong Admits to Doping. Lance Armstrong tells Oprah he used banned drugs, received blood transfusions. ByABC News. January 17, 2013 ...
Es fehlt: Gesammelte | Suchen mit:Gesammelte
18.01.2013 · Finally, Armstrong told in the interview that after his comeback he no longer used doping. The biological passport and the out-of ...
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24.05.2019 · Die Zitate des NBCSN-Interviews legen nahe, dass Armstrong das Doping bis heute nicht bereut. „Vor allem würde ich die Lektionen, die ich ...
17.01.2013 · Lance Armstrong admitted to doping throughout his cycling career during an interview with Oprah Winfrey.
Es fehlt: Gesammelte | Suchen mit:Gesammelte
19.01.2013 · Doping-Interview bei Oprah Winfrey: Armstrong nennt lebenslange Sperre "Todesstrafe" ... Neue Enthüllungen Harsche Reaktion nach Oprah-Interview ...
He rejected suggestions he failed a doping test at the 2001 Tour Of Switzerland then paid off the International Cycling Union (UCI) and doping officials to ...
Es fehlt: Gesammelte | Suchen mit:Gesammelte