16.05.2024 · Questions over doping and "scandals" appear in the teaser trailer for Netflix's Tour de France: Unchained, which was released on Thursday.
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There have been allegations of doping in the Tour de France since the race began in 1903. Early Tour riders consumed alcohol and used ether, ...
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Weitere Fragen
02.09.2014 · Hamburg - Alle Dopingtests der diesjährigen Tour der France waren negativ. Das gaben die Cycling Anti-Doping Foundation (CADF), die im Auftrag ...
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... the Tour de France. Riis, who won the race in 1996, said he used drugs between 1993 and 1998. "I have taken doping, I have taken EPO," Riis told a news ...
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30.05.2020 · 30.05.2020 | (rsn) - Wie die belgische Zeitung Het Nieuwsblad berichtet, sollen als Folge der Operation Aderlass Dopingproben aus den Jahren ...
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01.07.2011 · But all this talk of legalization is hogwash, says Travis Tygart, executive director of the U.S. Anti-Doping Association. Tygart said the U.S. ...
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27.06.2023 · All doping controls at the Tour de France will be targeted and performed anytime over the course of the three-week race, not only at the finish ...
Es fehlt: weiteren auffä lligen Proben
02.07.2018 · Chris Froome was cleared of doping allegations on Monday and authorized to compete in this year's Tour de France after race organizers ...
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