Quick-Step dominates Dwars door Vlaanderen, with Philippe Gilbert animating the race and Yves Lampaert attacking to win solo.
Es fehlt: Verdienter Doppelsieg für starkes QST- Duo
22.03.2017 · Yves Lampaert capped off a dominant performance by Quick-Step Floors' in the 72nd edition of Dwars door Vlaanderen on Wednesday.
Es fehlt: Verdienter Doppelsieg für starkes QST-
Weitere Fragen
With canny team tactics, Yves Lampaert wins Dwars door Vlaanderen, and his Quick-Step teammate Philippe Gilbert finishes second.
Es fehlt: Verdienter Doppelsieg für starkes QST- Duo
22.03.2017 · Belgium's Yves Lampaert won the Dwars door Vlaanderen race on Wednesday ahead of former world champion Philippe Gilbert.
Es fehlt: Verdienter Doppelsieg für starkes QST- Duo
22.03.2017 · Quick-Step Floors rider Yves Lampaert won the 2017 edition of Dwars Door Vlaanderen, attacking with less than 7km to go from a group of four.
Es fehlt: Verdienter Doppelsieg für starkes QST- Duo
22.03.2017 · Philippe Gilbert may have lost the habit of racing on the cobbles during his time at BMC, but the old instincts remain.
Es fehlt: Verdienter Doppelsieg für starkes QST- Duo
22.03.2017 · Yves Lampaert (Quick Step Floors) took the win in the 72nd edition of Dwars door Vlaanderen today, after he soloed to victory in the closing ...
Es fehlt: Verdienter Doppelsieg für starkes QST- Duo