26.08.2014 · Sehr wohl aber habe der Plan, ein WorldTour-Team auf die Beine zu stellen, Bestand. Man habe die WorldTour-Lizenz bei der UCI beantragt und ...
05.10.2014 · Heute: Fernando Alonso… 05. Oktober. +++ Fernando Alonso hat für die Saison 2015 keine WorldTour-Lizenz beantragt. Dies bestätigte UCI ...
29.07.2014 · F1 star Fernando Alonso is still moving forward with plans to create a professional cycling team, according to his manager Luis García-Abad.
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04.08.2014 · Fernando Alonso has begun his race to start a cycling team with his application for a UCI licence. Ahead of the deadline last Friday, ...
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06.11.2014 · Brian Cookson, Präsident der UCI, bestätigte Anfang Oktober, dass von Alonso keine Lizenz für 2015 beantragt wurde. Wie es mit Alonsos ...
05.10.2014 · UCI President Brian Cookson has told Cyclingnews that he has not received a WorldTour application from the prospective Fernando Alonso ...
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02.09.2013 · Fernando Alonso has reportedly bought a cycling team after snapping up Euskaltel-Euskadi's WorldTour licence - news from Formula 1 F1.
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It was reported that Alonso's organization had met the requirements for a WorldTour team registration earlier, including a 16,000 Euro guarantee. ... In doing so, ...
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27.04.2020 · Later he planned to start from scratch and build a team which would apply for a WorldTour license in 2015. However, that did not work out ...
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