Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I)


1. The most common alignment mistake I see in this pose relates to foot placement. You always want a heel to heel alignment, meaning your front heel should be in line with your back heel. Your back foot should be turned in at a 45 to 60 degree angle! This foot placement will enable you to square your pelvis as much as possible with the front edge of your mat. 

2. My back leg is not engaged and my front knee is over my front toe! Firm up your back leg by rooting down through the back edge of your back foot and engage your thigh upward! Make sure your front knee is in line with your front ankle to avoid long term knee stress injuries. 

3. I am arching through my low back and crunching my upper body, causing me to sink into my front leg. You want to keep a neutral spine. Create a heavy tail bone, lift your frontal hip points towards your rib cage and engage your core! Envision knitting your front side together. Additionally, your shoulders should be relaxed and your chest pulled through. Your gaze should always be forward with a neutral spine until you have perfected your form, then you can reach your palms together and gaze up!


Having trouble engaging the right muscles? Press your back heel against a wall to help engage your back leg and fire up your core!