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Eddie's Blog List – Dispelling The Mainstream Narrative

I just challenged Dr. Paul Offit to a public debate

Paul Offit tweeted this:

So I tweeted this in response:

If he wants to reduce vaccine hesitancy, the best thing he should do is debate us. That is what the peer-reviewed scientific literature clearly says about debate challenges. The party who runs from a debate challenge is perceived to be on the wrong side of the issue. He does believe in science, doesn’t he?

He can set the terms of the debate. He can debate me and/or any of my misinformation superspreader colleagues.

Check this out:

Even though the peer-reviewed medical literature recommends he accept, Dr. Offit will refuse to debate. They always run when challenged because the #1 rule is never accept a debate you have no chance of winning.

Even if we offered to donate $1M to his institution he won’t accept my challenge.

A very reliable indicator of who is lying to you is to look at:

  1. whether they run away when challenged

  2. whether they think that people with opposing views should be censored and/or deplatformed.

  3. whether they are willing to collect objective evidence to settle who is on the right side of the issue


Are there any mainstream media reporters who want to know the truth about vaccines?

ABC News reporter Max Zahn said “Gotta go” when I asked him if he was willing to gather data that would definitively determine whether RFK Jr. was telling the truth about vaccines or not.

Max Zahn (@MaxZahn_) / X

ABC News reporter Max Zahn

This is Max Zahn. Max is a reporter for ABC News. He’s doing a story about donors to RFK’s campaign. On April 15, he reached out to me for comment.

After spending 15 minutes answering all his questions, I asked him one simple question: “There is a simple way for you to independently, objectively, and definitely determine whether or not RFK Jr. is telling the truth about vaccines or not. It will take less than 5 minutes of your time. Would you like to know what it is?”

Max replied, “Gotta go.”

You can’t make this stuff up. You really can’t.


97.5% of Judaics Living in Israel Have No Hebrew DNA

Classic I tell you – and a great conversation piece to use on evangelical Zionists.

Imagine stealing somebody’s land by claiming it’s your ancient homeland and then 75 years later DNA proves you were a lying fraud the entire time.

— Stew Peters (@realstewpeters) April 15, 2024


More obfuscation


Genetic roots are now easy to ascertain, usually down to exact locations. Here is mine. My maternal great grandfather was 100% German from Westphalia, so 12% German is more accurate. My maternal grandmother was 100% northern Scandinavian (mostly Saami) so 25% is more accurate.

  • European


    • Northwestern European

      • Greater London, United Kingdom

        County Dublin, Republic of Ireland

        +18 regions

      • Scandinavian


        Click to expand and collapse this region

        Norrbotten County, Sweden

        +2 regions

      • Baden-Württemberg, Germany

        +1 region

Israel Built Massive Military Bunker Tunnel System Beneath Tel Aviv

April 16, 2024 Winter Watch Around the Web 0

For all you ethno-facists in my comments making the absurd claim Israel doesn’t have military tunnel and bunker systems beneath civilian infrastructure, I’ll refer you to one of your own publications:

Every accusation, a confession… The IDF embeds itself among the civilian…

— Greg J Stoker (@gregjstoker) April 15, 2024


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Whites Twice as Likely to Die of COVID in California Than Non-Whites

San Jose Mercury News reports an unusual COVID pattern detected in California.

What is interesting is that despite comprising only 37% of Californians, White people account for 60% of all COVID deaths during the recent period.

The article compares Feb-Aug 2020 (highlighted in blue) vs. Sep 2023 through Feb 2024 (highlighted in red).

The results for 2020 confirm a modest advantage that we would expect from the “white privilege”: Whites comprised only 30% of deaths despite being 37% of the population.

Whites were able to mitigate the effects of the pandemic due to a more privileged position: belonging to the ”laptop class,” not working in as many customer-facing jobs, having better medical insurance, living in less dense housing, and so on. So, it is not a surprise that in 2020, White people were slightly less likely to die from Covid (30% of deaths despite being 37% of the population).

The real surprise is what is happening in 2024. While the overall number of COVID deaths thankfully declined, deaths among White people (59.48%) account for much more than their share of the population (37%)!

The Whites’ share of COVID deaths doubled from 30% in 2020 to 60% in 2024.

Why would that be?

Is it a coincidence that White people are also more vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19?

The more vaccinated and boosted race in California is accounting for GREATER share of Covid deaths compared to their share of the population. Meanwhile, Black and Hispanic Californians, who are less vaccinated, account for fewer deaths than their share of the population would suggest.

A coincidence? If so, it continues a long line of other subpopulations where higher vaccination rates are associated with greater mortality:

Remember the economic advantages I mentioned that made White people have fewer deaths in 2020? Those have not changed in 2024: the laptop class, better medical care, less dense housing, etc, are still disproportionally available to White people.

And yet, despite those advantages, in 2024, Whites are more likely to die of Covid than their less privileged, and also less vaccinated, Hispanic and Black counterparts! The “white privilege” mysteriously stopped working after the whites were disproportionately vaccinated.

We were told that Covid vaccines save lives. If so, can we ask why they make the groups that received more of them more likely to suffer COVID deaths?

Any thoughts?
