Family: Asteraceae(

Scientific Name: Senecio cineraria Silver Lace

Common Name: Silver Lace Dusty Miller


Silver Lace Duty Miller (Senecio cineraria) A cold hardy tender perennial grown has an annual.  Has lacy silver gray foliage.

Plant TypeAnnuals, Perennials Hardy, Site author's observations
Hardiness Zone(7)8-10
Sunlightfull. mostly sunny, some shade
Soil & Siteaverage
TemperatureVery cold tolerant surviving all but the hardest of frosts. On occasion has over wintered for me in hardiness zone #5b.
Flowerssmall yellow, daisy-like, seldom occur and should be removed because they detract from the plant
Leaveslacy, covered with a dense gray-white woolly hair (tomentose), lacy
Dimensions10-12 by 10-12 (NS)
Maintenancelow maintenance
Native SiteNative to the Mediterranean.
Misc FactsHas been used in gardens since the Victorian times. (syn. Cineraria maritima, Jacobaea maritima)
Author's NotesThis plant has a duel purpose. First it is cold tolerant providing foliage color deep into the fall. Secondly the gray color is a foil for strong colors and mixes well in almost all garden designs. One of my favorite combinations is to use Madagascar Periwinkle (Vinca) and Dusty Miller. The Periwinkle will succumb to the first frost. They are removed and the Dusty Miller will fill out and survive through most frosts.
Notes & Reference#28-Cottage Garden Annuals(Clive Lane), #51-Armitage's Manual of Annuals, Biennials, and Half-Hardy Perennials (Alan Arimitage), #76-Annuals for Every Purpose (Larry Hodgson)
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