
Neolamprologus helianthus congo yellow -regular

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Neolamprologus helianthus congo yellow 1- 2 inches Neolamprologus helianthus is a substrate-spawning Tanganyikan cichlid and the most colorful of the Brichardi complex. Helianthus obtain lengths of about 2.5 to 3". It is best kept either in a species tank, or with established robust Lamprologines or a large school of Cyprichromis. It often breeds better in colonies then as a single pair.We have fed our Neolamprologus the current formula in our Florida Facility for over a year. Our cichlids are noticeably more active, grow quicker, have improved color, and we have all but eliminated bloat in even the most sensitive species, including tropheus. We have fed it to new world and African cichlids, assorted livebearers, Discus, loaches, catfish, Danios, Tetras, Australian Rainbows, and virtually any fish that will eat a prepared food.