Syn.: Chrysocoma linosyris L., Crinitina linosyris (L.) Soják, Crinitaria linosyris (L.) Less., Linosyris vulgaris Cass.
Family: Asteraceae Bercht. et J. Presl

Galatella linosyris

Distribution: European species – Britain, Middle, Southern and Eastern part of the continent, to Southern Scandinavia in the North, also Asia Minor and Northwestern Africa.

Ecology: It grows on sunny rocks and stony slopes, on dry pastures and cliffs, on a calcareous soil. Flowers from July to September.

Description: A perennial herb with an erect stem, 10–50 cm tall. The leaves are lanceolate, entire, the flower heads are borne in large leafy clusters terminating the stems. It has no ray flowers, only tubular disk florets. The fruit is an achene.

Threat and protection: The Goldilocks Aster is a protected plant species in some countries (CZ).

Galatella linosyrisGalatella linosyris
Galatella linosyrisGalatella linosyris

These images were taken in Czechia, Moravia, Brno, Stránská skála (October 18, 2003).