It’s easy to grow your own flowers from seed. Here’s beautiful flowers, growing information & seed collections for gifts.


Welcome to Country Garden Seeds! Flower Seeds for your garden, for cut flowers and for wildlife. Do you dream of a beautiful garden full of scented flowers and buzzing with wildlife? Just sow a few packets of seeds for gorgeous blooms to fill your borders quickly, for cut flowers and food for bees and butterflies. Here are some beautiful and easy plants for you to grow.
There are lots of easy flower seeds to sow and grow in May. You can help your garden wildlife by growing beautiful open-centred blooms. It’s Spring and at last things are warming up outdoors. Spring sown flowers often bloom in just 8-10 weeks so it’s the perfect time to choose what you’d love to see in your garden this year. Checkout Seeds to Sow in May for some inspiration and ideas. Wishing you a very Happy and Flower Filled Spring. Thanks for visiting and Happy Gardening. Gillian 🙂

Knautia arvensis

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Product Details
Knautia arvensis Seeds

The Field Scabious is one of our most beautiful and popular wildflowers. This lovely perennial plant produces tall wiry stems topped by masses of lilac-blue flowers. As you can see from these photos, blooms are full of nectar and easy for Bees and Butterflies to land on. In fact they are great for lots of pollinating insects and listed by the RHS as Perfect for Pollinators.

Lovely for cottage gardens and for wilder parts of manicured gardens such as an orchard, Field Scabious flowers from May until August. They are also suited to naturalistic planting schemes and wild flower meadows because they grow beautifully with grasses, ox-eye daisies, geranium and other wildflowers.

Knautia arvensis is lovely both in the garden or as a cut flower. Grow in full sun with well drained soil for best results.

Genus Knautia arvensis

Common name Field Scabious
Plant Type Perennial Wildflower. May also be treated as an annual. Cut Flower.
Height & Spread 60-90cm (2 feet) tall x 30cm (1 foot) spread
Sow Seeds For the earliest flowers direct sow in autumn (September-October) for blooms from May onwards. Alternatively sow in spring (February-April) for flowers from June all summer long. Young plants produce the most flowers so I recommend allowing them to self seed or sow a fresh batch every three years to maintain that vigour.

Thin/Plant Out Allow a minimum space of 30cm per plant.
Conditions Required Field Scabious love well drained soil. They prefer a site with plenty of sunshine. They are hardy perennials and will survive cold winters as long as the soil isn't waterlogged.
Flower Production Blooms are produced from May until August/September. Once flowering is over cut back or mow over the plants if they are naturalised in grass.
Picking Cut flowers regularly and dead-head to make sure that your plants continue to produce new blooms. When cutting place the cut flowers into a tall bucket of clean water. Allow to rest overnight before arranging. Knautia arvensis lasts up to 7 days as a cut flower.
Planting Combinations If you have the space I suggest you grow plenty of these lovely Field Scabious. Grows particularly well with Grasses, Ox-Eye Daisies, Geranium and other Wildflowers.

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