Abdominal Massage- Marichyasana

Senior Iyengar Yoga Teacher Kathy Cook doing Sage Twist Pose with Juan Carlos

Kathy Cook

Senior Iyengar Yoga Teacher

Asana Quick Fix

In Hindu philosophy Marichyasana, named after the sage Marichi, son of the Creator, Brahma. Marichi was the grandfather of Surya (the Sun God).

Today we will practice Marichyasana I and Marichyasana III-These are two of the sitting lateral twisting poses. 

Practicing these twists regularly will help to relieve back and hip pain. The shoulders will gain mobility, freeing the joints and shoulder movements, while creating a release in the neck area.

The organic body, including the liver, spleen, and intestines are squeezed and massaged. 

Invigorating and relaxing both at the same time, twists activate by stimulating and flushing areas of stagnation which will create more energy.

The elongation of the trunk helps us realize the vertical extension while developing the spinal muscles, creating strength, suppleness, firmness, and at the same time toning of the organic body.

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senior iyengar teacher kathy cook

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