Iyengar Yoga-Upper Back Tension Release with a Chair

Iyegar Yoga--Upper Back Tension Release with Chair-Blog

Kathy Cook

Senior Iyengar Yoga Teacher

Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana performed on a chair is an excellent posture to target the upper, middle, and lower back

This pose fully supports the length of the spine, allowing it to stretch, create space, and release tension. It is classified under the category of Back Extensions.

To perform this pose, you will need a chair, two blocks (or more if required), a wall, a bolster, several blankets, and an extra-thin mat if available. You can use a rolled blanket in various positions depending on which area of your back you want to target. Depending on your neck condition and practice, you may or may not support your head during the pose. If done as a restorative posture, it is recommended to support your head.

While in this posture, you can observe how it feels and adjust the blanket to support the back where it is needed the most. Be curious, experiment, and learn about the different areas that are being supported and which ones work best for you.

This exhilarating pose keeps the spine sound and healthy while the chest expands fully… The pose has a soothing effect on the mind, so that the emotionally disturbed find it a great boon

–BKS Iyengar

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