Tag Archives: Ents

Derndingle Warrior

To our ears, the name Derndingle Warrior sounds foolish or even scatological, but we can’t blame Tolkien for inventing such nonsense. This word is Common Speech, taken from our own history, not the philology professor’s fantasy creations. ‘Dingle’ comes from a Middle English word of unknown origin meaning ‘a deep abyss’ but has been used […]

Thematic Playthrough #6: Deadmen’s Dike

Anyone who had been following this blog knows how eagerly I was awaiting the Angmar Awakened cycle. Imagine my sadness then that my shipment of The Lost Realm was lost at sea just like the last king of the North! At long last though, I have secured a copy and the time to play and […]


‘I have long ceased to invent…I wait till I seem to know what really happened. Or till it writes itself. Thus, though I knew for years that Frodo would run into a tree-adventure somewhere far down the Great River, I have no recollection of inventing Ents. I came at last to the point, and wrote […]

Hill Troll

‘As for Bilbo walking primly towards the red light, I don’t suppose even a weasel would ahve stirred a whisker at it. So, naturally, he got right up to the fire – for fire it was – without disturbing anyone. And this is what he saw. Three very large persons sitting round a very large […]

Numidian Prime

A site dedicated to analyzing the history and connections that bind the Star Wars galaxy

Vision Of The Palantir

In depth analysis of quests and strategy guides for LOTR LCG

Cave of Gollum

A Lord of the Rings LCG Blog

Mythos Busters

Investigating the Mystery, Monsters, and Madness of Arkham Horror: The Card Game