Bridge pose - Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

Bridge pose - Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

Bridge pose is a back bending pose which can strengthen your upper back muscles, waist area, ankle and feet. It is a better solution for reducing the impact of prolonged sitting and standing postures on your spine.

updated on:2024-01-24 11:07:53

Bridge pose [ Setu Bandha Sarvangasana ]

    This yoga pose derives its name from three Sanskrit words "sethu" which means bridge, "bandha" means locks and "sarvanga" means all limbs. Bridge pose is a back bending pose which can strengthen your upper back muscles, waist area, ankle and feet. It is a better solution for reducing the impact of prolonged sitting and standing postures on your spine. This yoga pose can help to stabilize your spine, abdomen and hip area if practiced properly in accordance with the cautions and contraindications.

Health benefits 

  Stretches the chest, neck, and spine & provides stability.

  Reduces fatigue, revitalizes your energy.

  Reduces stress as it helps the limbs & body as a whole stretch, promoting physical activity

Research study results of sarvangasana

·        According to a study it increased the endurance and flexibility of the waist muscles in the case of teenagers with lumbar pain [3].

·       The strength of the abdominal muscles and stabilization of the abdomen [4].

How to do Bridge pose?

1.    Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the mat, hip width apart.

2.    Keep your arms alongside your body, palms facing down.

3.    Press and move your arms down towards your spine. You can clasp your hands behind your back.

4.    Press down into the arms and shoulders to lift the chest up. Engage the legs, buttocks to lift the hips higher.

5.    As you inhale, press down firmly through your feet and lift your hips, initiating the movement from the hip area rather than the navel. Now  gradually lifting the spine off the floor.

6.    Breathe and hold for 4-8 breaths.

7.    To finish, exhale as you release your hands and slowly lower your back or spine and body to the mat as in step 1


While practicing bridge pose maintain the normal curvature of neck and do not attempt to touch it on yoga mat.

Similarly do not turn your neck sideways while you are on bridge pose.

Also do not overstretch your arms to bring them under your shoulder and back. You may simply keep your arms by the sides of your body also without  any clasping of hands under your back while practicing bridge pose.


·       Neck injury

·       Disc prolapse in neck or cervical region

·       Lower-back sensitivity

·       Some shoulder injuries

How does bridge pose strengthen your muscles?

  Doing this pose may help to contract quadriceps muscles of your thigh. It also contracts hip flexors of your upper thighs, including the psoas, the pectineus etc. It also strengthens your spine muscles.

Bridge pose has strengthens your chest and upper abdominal muscles along with muscles of shoulders and upper part of arms.

  The rectus abdominis muscles of your abdomen and the pectoralis major muscle of your chest, the deltoids of your shoulders, and the biceps at the front of your upper arms are stretched by this pose.

  A study published in NLM pubmed [1] by C A Richardson , G A Jull in 1995 shows that bridge pose increases the muscular strength of the hip joint extensor group and improves trunk stability.




 Richardson CA, Jull GA: Muscle control-pain control. What exercises would you prescribe? Man Ther, 1995, 1: 2–10. [PubMed


3.    Kim KY, Sim KC, Kim TG, et al.: Effects of sling bridge exercise with rhythmic stabilization technique on trunk muscle endurance and flexibility in adolescents with low back pain. International Journal of Contents, 2013, 9: 72–77. [Google Scholar]

4.    Brill PW, Couzen GS: The core program: fifteen minutes a day that can change your life. New York: Buntam Books, 2008, pp 1–231. [Google Scholar].


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