Apistogramma agassizii 'Tefe Red-Back' MALES ONLY

Title: Single
Sale price$34.99


One of the more popular Apistos, A. agassizii has been selectively bred to produce a multitude of different colour morphs. While still a small fish, these are one of the larger Apistogramma species, with males reaching up to ~3" in length. Their long, teardrop-shaped tails are distinctive among Apistos, and they make an extremely showy centrepiece for small community aquaria.

Unlike most agassizii seen in captivity, these ‘Tefe Red-Back’ are a naturally occuring locale of the species! Males have stunning blue ‘flame’ markings in the tail fin, and will develop red in the face, throat, and dorsal fin with maturity. Females are a lovely burnt yellow colour. Both sexes have blue soangling in the face, even at this size.

These are subadults, around 1.5-2" long. They are coming into their adult colour, but still need time and good feeding to reach their full potential.

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