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Brown Bullhead Catfish
Genus: Ameiurus
Species: A. nebulosus
Maximum Size: 18"
Aggression: Low to Mid
Temperature: 60-68 F, should tolerate slightly higher for extended periods of time
pH: 6.6-7.6
Hardness: 6-16 dH
Brackish Tolerance: 1.000-1.009
Minimum Tank Size: 200 gallons
Feeding: Will consume anything offered. Pellets make good staple (especially those made for pond fish), will also accept meaty foods like chopped shellfish, krill, shrimp, earthworms, and frozen fish
Notes: The Brown Bullhead catfish is a large subtropical catfish that is sometimes offered in the trade, usually as a pond fish as opposed to an aquarium fish.

Brown Bullhead catfish are not extremely aggressive fish but are capable of defending themselves when kept with boisterous fish. Brown Bullhead catfish can be kept with similar sized Centrarchids (Bluegills work well), Texas Cichlids, and Koi (in freshwater, not brackish). Brown Bullhead catfish will likely consume any fish less than ½ or 1/3 of their length. They are less shy than many catfish but still appreciate areas of dense vegetation to hide in. They are largely nocturnal, however they quickly learn when to expect feedings and will become active during the day.

Brown Bullhead catfish are venomous and should be handled with care. While not fatal, a sting still produces a great deal of pain and these fish should always be handled carefully and only when necessary. To reduce pain, the stung area should be rinsed with hot water for a long period of time.


Ameirus nebulosus, The Aquarium Wiki

Field Guide to Freshwater Fishes of California, Samuel M. McGinnis

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