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Green Chromide
Genus: Etroplus
Species: E. suratensis
Maximum Size: 14”
Aggression: Low to Mid
Temperature: 75-80 F
pH: 7.5-8.5, has been recorded in water up to 9.6
Hardness: 15-30 dH
Brackish Tolerance: 1.005-1.012
Minimum Tank Size: 75 gallons
Feeding: Dry foods like algae-based flakes and pellets make good staple. Frozen foods like Mysis shrimp, krill, and pieces of chopped fish and shellfish occasionally. Vegetable matter like peas and cucumber should be supplemented occasionally
Notes: Chromides (genus Etropus) are the only Cichlids native to India, and Green Chromides are the largest member of this genus. Chromides are fairly mild for cichlids and can be kept in peaceful communities. Like most cichlids, however, they can be aggressive during spawning and should be kept with faster, aware fish who will be able to avoid belligerent fish; Brown Hoplos, Callichthys Catfish, Scats, and Monos are all good choices. Although not typically considered social fish, they are loosely gregarious and do well in groups.

Green Chromides are pit spawners and will rearrange substrate as they see fit; sand is appreciated over gravel due to this. As a result, though, they may uproot more delicate plants like Anacharis and Hornwort. Best plant choices are epiphytes like Java Fern and Anubias or deeply buried plants with robust root systems like Vals.

Orange Chromides (E. maculatus) exhibit sympatric behavior with Green Chromides in the wild, grazing their fins and bodies to remove parasites.


(3f) Cichlids (Family Cichlidae), Neale Monks

Etroplus suratensis - Green Chromide, Seriously Fish

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