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Indian Mud Moray/Snowflake Eel
Genus: Gymnothorax
Species: G. tile
Maximum Size: 24"
Aggression: High
Temperature: 76-78 F
pH: 7.5-8.5
Hardness: 10-30 dH, harder is better
Brackish Tolerance: 1.005-1.010 as juveniles, 1.010-1.025 as adults
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Feeding: Meaty foods like tilapia fillets, cockles, thawed lancefish, occasional shrimp or mussels. Earthworms may also be accepted. Should be fed no more than every other day as adults

Notes: The Indian Mud Moray or Snowflake Eel (not to be confused with Echidna nebulosa, a fully marine eel commonly sold in the trade as the Snowflake Moray) is one of several “freshwater” morays found in the trade. Really a brackish animal, they can be acclimated to fully marine conditions as an adult. As with most eels, the Indian Mud Moray prefers dim lights and plenty of rocks and crevices to hide in. These creatures are also accomplished escape artists and will almost certainly jump out if measures are not taken to secure the tank lid.

These are not community animals by any means. Fish eaters in the wild, they are too likely to bite any fish you may house with them. Hermit crabs and other inverts are typically safe options… other fish are harder to place with this moray and there is a significant chance that you’ll end up with one or more dead animals. Species-only tanks are the best option, and multiple Morays can be kept in large (60+ gallon) tanks.

Moray bites are known to be venomous and great care should be taken not to allow them the opportunity. Avoid hand feeding, use tools for maintenance, and always keep an eye on the eel when doing anything inside the tank.


Gymnothorax Tile - ‘Freshwater’ Moray Eel, Seriously Fish

Freshwater Moray Eels, Marco Lichtenberger

Moray Eels Bite - But are they Poisonous?, Marco Lichtenberger (warning! Very graphic pictures)

(image source: me!)

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