The ‘Cover’ Band

Welcome back, everyone! Hope you’re all staying safe.

So, today, I thought focus on a specific type of pic; comic book covers. These will primarily be Disney, but I’ll sprinkle in some from other places as well. Let’s get right to it.

Firstly, here are some Donald Duck covers from the French publication, Le Journal de Mickey…

From the top left to bottom, artists are: Morgan Prost, unknown, René Guillaume, René Guillaume.

Here’s a few more from Journal de Mickey, this time starring Goofy.

Credits (starting at top left): Pierre Nicolas, Pierre Nicolas, René Guillaume, unknown

And now some with the main mouse himself. These are from various comics…

Wow, that shark in that first pic would swallow him whole…

Credits (starting from top left): Knud Ansgar Møller (Busen), unknown, unknown, unknown, Patrice Croci, Marco Gervasio, unknown

Alright, I’ll end the entry with some non-Disney stuff here. No artist info available for these ones.

Aside from the third pic, I’ll have more from the franchises depicted in the other covers at some point. Not necessarily in their own dedicated entries, mind you. I’ll leave it at that for now.

Well, that’s all for this week, everyone! See you in two weeks!


Good day, everyone! Hope you’re well. Gonna be a fairly short one today.

OK, so it’s been almost two years since I last spotlighted Goofy, and since I have plenty more pics of him that I haven’t shown yet, let’s remedy a little bit of that eh?

We’ll start with some cels. I don’t think these were necessarily used for cartoons, but were probably used more for books and the like.

Next are some comic strips. Most of these are Italian.

Now for some coloring book pages…

To end off this entry, some pics from various books. Unfortunately, I don’t remember the names of any of them.

Neat nose reg in some of these.

I’ll leave it there for this week, folks. See you in two weeks!

Last post of 2019!

Alright, everyone, time for a new entry. Back on Disney again today, but we’re taking a look at some miscellaneous characters this time.

Here, let’s take a look at Stitch first, also known as Experiment 626. He’s been around for a while, but largely due his issue where his body density is so high that he sinks in water, he doesn’t have a ton material for this blog. He does have a little, however, which I’ll just show in one group here.

A ton of pins as you can see. By the way, Disney Pin trading is a massive thing, with literally thousands of pins out there. Entire YouTube channels are dedicated to it. It’s actually pretty interesting.

Next up, let’s look at Mickey’s nephews, Morty and Ferdie. In the grand scheme of things, they’re definitely bit players, which is surprising, given that they’re the most prominent relations of Mickey himself in Disney media. They generally appear most often in comics, where they’re trotted out for an ark once in a great while, particularly in Europe. The last one that made it’s way stateside that I know of was the Riverside Rovers FC ark, where they end up the star players on a beatnik youth soccer team.

There’s not much material out there for them as a result of this, but here’s what I do have.

To finish off today, we’ll look at Winnie the Pooh. Like the other two, not a lot from this universe either. In fact, the only two characters to have anything at all are Pooh and Tigger.

As you can see, not very much for these guys either. And yes, in one series of pics up there, Tigger was creeping in Rabbit’s bathtub. They’re from the ‘New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh’ episode ‘Luck Amok’.

Anyway, that’s all for the year! Thank you all for checking this out this year, and I hope you’ll be back.

I will actually be taking some time off from the blog for the month of January, and will be back in February. See you then!

Another Turn With the Mouse

Welcome back, everyone! Today, we’re taking a look at some more of Mickey Mouse!

Alrighty, why don’t we start with some comics today?

First up, we have ‘Topolino e il settimo corvo’, which was published in Italy’s ‘Topolino’ earlier this year. Here, Mickey and the crow Ellsworth help foil a plot in London to steal the Crown Jewels.

Here’s the I.N.D.U.C.K.S link for further information.

Going back a lot further, here’s ‘Topolino e il Salto del Salmone’, first published in 1967.

And again, the I.N.D.U.C.K.S link.

Finally, here are some random strips from various sources.

These pages are from a book in the Mickey Wonders Why series called ‘Are Jellyfish Made of Jelly?’

To end the entry, here’s some miscellany…

Well, that’s all for this week, folks! Come back in two weeks for the last entry of the year! See you then!

Donald Duck Swims Again

Welcome back, folks!

About a year and a half ago, I did an entry on Donald Duck, and I figure it’s high time he gets the spotlight again, so this week, that’s what’s going to happen.

First, we’re going to take a look at some comics. Donald is the King of Disney comics, appearing in more of them than any other character.

Please note that none of these comic pages will be in English.

This first one is from a German Disney Digest, Lustiges Taschenbuch 96, and the story is titled ‘Der Urlaub, der ins Wasser fiel’. The I.N.D.U.C.K.S. (An online information repository of Disney comics around the world) link is here. Artwork by Sandro Del Conte.

(I initially gave the information for the Dutch version of this, my apologies.)

Ah, the old ‘catch a diver while fishing’ gag. Always a classic.

OK, next we have ‘Zio Paperone in Brividi all’equatore‘ from Topolino 283, and this was done by the great Italian cartoonist Luciano Gatto.

Jeez, looking a little tuckered out there, duck.

Last comic for the day, this is ‘Paperino e il lago della paura‘, and is from Topolino 254. Luciano Capitanio with the art credit for this one.

Jeez, think Donald went colorblind when he picked that swimsuit out?

Alright, onto some other stuff. Here are some relevant Disney pins. For those of you who don’t know, Disney pin trading is a big deal, and there’s a lot of extremely dedicated pin traders out there.

Finally, to end the post, here’s some illustrations from various books.

Well, that’s all for today, folks. Thanks for reading, and as usual, I’ll be back in another two weeks. See you then!


Welcome back, everyone!

Two weeks ago, I spotlighted Goofy, so this week I’ll show off a few pics of his best friend and frontman for the entire Disney empire, Mickey Mouse.

I’m not going to get too into the history of Mickey, but he came about as a result when Walt Disney was forced to stop Oswald the Rabbit cartoons due to a rights issue.

Also, while Steamboat Willie was the first Mickey cartoon to see distribution, Mickey was in another cartoon before that called ‘Plane Crazy’.  It was shown to a theatre test audience, but didn’t pick up distribution.

I’ve shown the Walt Disney World scuba costume pics I have of Mickey before, so those won’t be seen here.  Please see this post for those.

Mickey doesn’t have a lot of scuba in animation, but we’ll start with something very recent.  Mickey and the Roadster Racers episode ‘Hot Dog Daze Afternoon’ yields these…

You know, logically speaking, you’d think Donald would be the one to do something like this, but whatever.  Also, that must be some strong rope.  And I doubt that whale would be flushed out that garage door.  Guess they have a new pet!

From France, this is 1955’s ‘Mickey et Pluto Chassuers Sous-Marins’.

Well, this fishing trip could’ve gone better, eh?

From the current Mickey Mouse series of cartoon, these are from ‘Gasp!’.

Some coloring pages, for the artists among you.

Finally, here’s a group of miscellany…

That’s all for this week, folks.  There’s a LOT more where this came from, so expect more Mickey-centric posts in the future.

Now, a couple of announcements.

First of all, I’ve been noticing some steady increases in traffic since the start of the year, so I want to thank everyone, but especially my regulars, for your support, even if it hasn’t been super vocal.  I totally appreciate your viewership.  Please feel free to leave comments or, if you don’t have WordPress account, you can send emails at  Please include ‘The Furry Waves’ in the subject line.

Also, I do occasionally fill requests, so feel free to ask.  I just ask that if I’ve filled a request of yours in fairly recent past, that you hold off on asking another for a while; let someone else have a chance if they want to take it.

Secondly, I’m going to be taking a some time off from this for a little while, probably 2-4 weeks, just to recharge my batteries and focus on other things for a bit.  I will be back, though, if not in May, then definitely in June.  If you want to get notifications on when I start posting again, you can sign up for them via email on the right.  Hope to see you all then.

March of the Guinea Pigs

Another Friday, another post.

Today we’re going to be looking at guinea pigs.  Yes, guinea pigs.  The pet you buy your kids when a fish won’t cut it, but they’re in no way ready for a dog or cat, so that they’ll shut up for two hours.

By the way, contrary to popular belief, guinea pigs CAN swim.  One just shouldn’t, you know, force them to.

OK, first off, we’re looking at a Disney film from 2009 called G-Force, which is about a team of Mission Impossible style CGI guinea pigs (and a mole and housefly) trying to take down a billionaire with a world takeover plan.

The movie was largely pretty bad.  The most memorable line from the whole thing, (Well, the only one I remember, anyway) was the pet store guinea pigs chanting ‘poop in his hand, poop in his hand!’.

In this scene from the beginning of the movie, Blaster and Juarez infiltrate the target’s mansion sub-aqua.  Also, there’s a few pics from the movie’s extras highlighting the gear used in this scene.

(Edit (Feb. 4th, 2022): Replaced movie pics with 1080p versions)

OK, this next one is from Linny the Guinea Pig, which stars the title character in a few shorts before she went on to fame in the ‘Wonder Pets’.

Ride that seahorse, Linny…. to VICTORY.

Or, you know, at least not drowning.

Alrighty, from the Wonder Pets episode ‘Save the Dolphin’…

There ARE more out there, but the thing is, with the type of photo-puppetry animation that was used in this show, things start looking the same a lot, so this is all I’ll show here from this cartoon.

Finally, we’re going to dip into the PBS Kids world and look at Hooper.

Hooper was the PBS Kids Preschool Block mascot starting in 2006, first appearing in segments with Miss Lori (Lori Holton Nash), and in 2009, she was replaced by Miss Rosa (Jennifer Pena, not the singer), who incorporated Spanish into the mix.

Hooper would also have a few series’ of segments on his own, including DJ Hooper, Coach Hooper, and Where in the World Is Hooper.

This is from the ‘Scuba Samba Dance’ segment.

The next set is from the ‘Beach’ segment in the ‘Where In the World Is Hooper’ series.

From an unknown segment…

He calls himself ‘Sea Explorer Hooper’ here and declares that he’s in search of underwater pirates.  May I ask what he plans on doing after he finds them?  Ask real nicely to stop?!  Or is Hooper some kind of secret bad-ass or something?  I guess we’ll never know…

From ‘The Amazing Oceans’ segment.  Apologies for the extremely poor quality of the pictures here, it was all that was available from the source material.  If anyone can hook me up with a better quality version of this, it’d be appreciated.  Also, it’s the only set where he’s not wearing his glasses under his mask.  Oversight by the animators, maybe?  Or maybe he just happened to have a prescription mask that day.

Finally, this is a coloring page from an older JetBlue Soar With Reading book.


For a mascot, Hooper is surprisingly prolific, and I suspect that there is more, but this is all I have right now.

However, it should be noted that Hooper was quietly retired in December 2017 by PBS, and there will be no more new segments produced.

Thanks for checking this out, and I’ll see you next week!

Das Goof

Welcome back, everyone!  This week, we’re taking a look at one of Disney’s Fab Five, Goofy!

Goofy has seen some time here before, in the Happiest Place on Earth and The Rest of the Disney Afternoon posts last October, but this will go outside the parks and Disney Afternoon into his other animated stuff.

The first pair of sets today will be from Mickey Mouse Works, and later on Mickey’s House of Mouse, an awesome show from 2001-2003 that focused on Mickey owning a club and being helped in various roles by other characters.  Donald was the doorman, for instance, and Goofy was the head waiter.

The first set is from one of the ‘Goofy’s Extreme Sports’ segments in the ‘Gone Goofy’ episode, titled Shark-Feeding, in which Goofy, you guessed it, tries to feed a shark.  In a somewhat controversial ending, he actually succeeds… by getting eaten by the shark.

(Edit (Feb. 4th, 2022): Added 720p versions)

Goofy does let out a ‘He-yuk!’ from inside the shark just before the final wipe, so I guess that gives just enough plausible deniability that Goofy didn’t actually snuff it, but he still never actually exits the shark, so it’s still a bit more disturbing than one expects.

From ‘Max’s Embarrassing Date’, the ‘How to Ride A Bicycle’ short gave us this quick shot…


The last two sets today come from ‘Mickey and the Roadster Racers’, a CGI based cartoon where Mickey and friends race about in their own custom racers.

This set is from ‘Mickey’s Wild Tire’.  In the car with Goofy here is Jiminy Johnson, a one shot character voiced by Jimmie Johnson of NASCAR fame.

This second set is from ‘Guru Goofy’.

Gotta love Donald’s ‘I WILL rip that snorkel out and hold your head underwater until you stop struggling, I’LL DO IT!’ face.

That’s all for this week, everyone!  Hope you all enjoyed it, and I’ll see you next week!

A Mouse is Stirring…

… and the cat is right behind him!  Welcome back, folks.

Well, I’m sure y’all are expecting to see something along the lines of a Holiday themed post this week, but the truth is, I don’t really have anything suitable in my collection to make such a post with.

So this week, I’ll fulfill a request instead.

Tom and Jerry date back to 1940, when William Hanna and Joseph Barbera released the first of what would be 114 shorts for it’s initial run under the MGM banner, where Tom was called Jasper and Jerry was called Jinx.

We’ll focus on Jerry first, eh?

This is from the end of 1967’s Cannery Rodent, and Jerry’s performing an age-old gag here…

The Devil has come, and he bears a shark fin.

This next one is from 1951’s Jerry and the Goldfish.  When looking for this, be careful, as this is right at the very end of the short and for some reason, a number of videos cut this out.

And now a few odds and ends… here’s some comic covers.  Starting here, you’ll also see Tuffy, Jerry’s nephew.

A couple of comic pages…

And a VHS box cover.


Here’s a few pages with Tuffy going solo.

On to Tom, he has a few more than Jerry, but oddly enough, his are mostly in newer shorts.

This first set is from 2006’s ‘Polar Peril’, where Tom and Butch, his partner in this short, try to catch Jerry, only to get thwarted repeatedly by a polar bear. (EDIT (March 2nd, 2021): Added high quality versions)

Next up, we have 2008’s ‘Catfish Follies’. (EDIT (March 2nd, 2021): Added high quality versions)

Trying to use a full size speargun to stick a mouse… overkill much?

Finally, we have 2014’s ‘Top Cat’.  No, no cameo by the character of the same name. (EDIT (March 2nd, 2021): Added high quality versions)

Here’s a bit from the Tom and Jerry/Jonny Quest crossover movie Spy Quest.  This is from the closing credits, with Tom as one of the frogmen from Jonny Quest’s first cartoon.


Now in the non-animation section, some comics pages.

And comic covers.

And a coloring page.


Now, we have some of the two of them together.  First up is Tom and Jerry Kids’ ‘Beach Bummers’, released in 1990.  This was the series that was part of the ‘regression’ craze around that time, where popular cartoon characters had series’ released with them as kids or babies.

Here’s a couple of shots from 1975’s ‘Watch Out Watch Dog’.

Some odds and ends here, including a comic strip.

We’re not quite done yet, though… Spike and Tyke, come on down!

Here’s some from ‘The Fish That Shoulda Got Away’.

I don’t remember the name of this comic’s story…


Here, I’ll even throw in the Droopy cartoons that were a part of Tom and Jerry Shows.

This is from 1992’s ‘High Seas Hjjinks’.

And this is from ‘Double ‘O’ Droopy’ from the same year.

Whew… that was quite a bit, eh?

Well, here, I’ll fill one more request.  ‘Tis the season, after all.

Emil Eagle was a small time villain, appearing primarily in Gyro Gearloose and Moby Duck Disney comic stories.  He was supposed to be an ‘evil scientist’ and a rival for Gyro.  However, he’s been requested, and yes, I do have one comic of him in the collection.

This is from ‘Waterproof Positive’ in Moby Duck 12.

And that finally brings this post to a close!  Hope you all enjoyed!

This will be my last post for this year, as I’ll be taking next week off, and possibly the following week as well, to recharge from this a bit.  Don’t wanna overdo this, you know?

See you all in the New Year, and Happy Holidays!

The Happiest Place on Earth

Hello, folks.  Welcome back!

Tomorrow, I’m heading down to Walt Disney World for six nights, so today, I thought it’d be appropriate to show off some pics in my collection from the Disney parks and related properties.

I won’t be highlighting Donald’s costumes here, as I showed that previously.  You can see those here.

IMPORTANT: Please note that none of the photographs here are mine.  They were taken from various places over the years on the net.  If you are the original photographer and you want your photo taken down, or for you to be given credit for it, please message me.  Thank you.

Starting off, we may as well focus on the mouse himself.  Mickey actually has a WORKING SCUBA set that he appears in once in a great while, usually at the aquarium at The Seas with Nemo and Friends in Walt Disney World’s Epcot.  This is actually one of the few working mascot SCUBA rigs in use in the world.

If you ever get to see this in person, you’re extremely fortunate indeed.  And no, I haven’t.

He did have one more that I know of, in one of the Disney On Ice productions, Finding Nemo On Ice.  Not exactly the parks, I know, but close enough.

Next up, we have a little bit of his dog, Pluto.  This mostly appears at Tokyo Disney Sea, I think.

Finally, we have Goofy.  Goofy actually has a number of different diving costumes, a lot more than the others for some reason.

This first one made appearances in Japan, but is no longer in use as far as I know.

This is the costume that is in use there now, I think, in meet and greets at Ariel’s Grotto.

This was in use at Walt Disney World in various places and productions.  I don’t think this one is in use anymore either, at least not with the mask.  The maskless version is used on the Disney Cruise Lines.

These were used in the same Finding Nemo On Ice production as the second Mickey set above.

Finally, two more.  These were used on a Disney Cruise Line stage show called The Golden Mickeys.

That’s all she wrote for now, folks.  I may not be posting anything until after my vacation ends next week, though you might see something on the weekend.