Cyprichromis leptosoma

Cyprichromis leptosoma

Cyprichromis leptosoma was earlier known as Limnochromis leptosoma, but has now been moved to the genus Cyprichromis. The same thing happened to three closely related species previously known as Limnochromis brieni, Limnochromis nigripinnis and Limnochromis microlepidotus – they are now named Cyprichromis brieni, Cyprichromis nigripinnis and Cyprichromis microlepidotus. All the members of the genus Cyprichromis are endemic to Lake Tanganyika and needs hard alkaline conditions in the aquarium.


Both sexes have strong, torpedo shaped bodies and are vigorous swimmers and jumpers. The male is of a light silvery brown color and sport a yellow tail, a blue dorsal fin with black markings, and blue pelvic and anal fins with yellow tips. The female fish looks plainer; her body is light brown and there is just a hint of silver on her head and sides.

Behavior and suitable housing

Just like the other members of the genus Cyprichromis, Cyprichromis leptosoma is a fairly peaceful fish that must be kept in a school. It is not territorial but a large aquarium of 36 inches or more is still recommended since these fishes need a lot of place to swim around in. The like to stay close to the surface and are agile jumpers so a secure lid is necessary.  Cyprichromis leptosoma will appreciate broad leafed plants to seek shelter under. You can often see them right under broad leaves in the aquarium, their bodies tilting down at a 45 degree angle with the head pointing towards the bottom.


Cyprichromis leptosoma is native to Lake Tanganyika and will consequently do best in hard alkaline conditions. In this lake, a majority of the dissolved salts that makes the water hard are derived from carbonates of calcium, magnesium and sodium.


Keep your Cyprichromis leptosoma fishes on varied diet to promote breeding and optimal health. You can for instance use high quality flakes or pellets as a base and supplement with plenty of brine shrimp, blood worms and similar.

Breeding Cyprichromis leptosoma

Cyprichromis leptosoma is a surface spawning mouthbrooder. In the wild, the fish will usually jump a lot during courtship, but this can naturally be impossible in captivity. The actual spawning takes place out in the open water and the female will pick up the eggs as soon as they have been released. The male will then deliver a mouthful of sperm that fertilizes the eggs. Incubation lasts for roughly three weeks and the fry is developed enough to be free swimming as soon as they are released. None of the parents engage in any fry care once the fry has been spitted. 

Cyprichromis leptosoma fry can be fed daphnia, newly hatched brine shrimp and powdered flake food. Carry out small and frequent water changes to keep the water quality up without causing dramatic changes in water chemistry.

Cyprichromis leptosoma
Cyprichromis leptosoma.
Picture added by AC tropical fish. Copyright

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