Redstripe apisto - Apistogramma hongsloi
tropical fish

Redstripe apisto, Redstreak cichlid, Viejita - Apistogramma hongsloi

User submittedBy:  Kingfisher

Redstripe apisto, Redstreak cichlid, Viejita
Redstripe apisto - Copyright

Species Name: Apistogramma hongsloi

Common Names: Redstripe apisto, Redstreak cichlid, Viejita


Family: Cichlidae

Order: Perciformes

Class: Actinopterygii

Max Size: 5 cm / 2 inches

Environment: Fresh Water

Origin: South America: Orinoco River basin, in the Vichada River drainage and the middle Meta River drainage in Colombia, and along the middle Orinoco River basin.

Temperament: Redstripe apisto (Apistogramma hongsloi) is a peaceful dwarf cichlid although they can be territorial when breeding. The males may also harass the female at this time.

Company: Suitable companions for Redstripe apisto (Apistogramma hongsloi) include tetras, rasboras, small catfish (such as corydoras), and most other small peaceful fish.

Water Parameters: pH 5.5 - 6.0, temperature 23-30 ° C / 73.4-86 ° F

Aquarium Setup: The Redstripe apisto (Apistogramma hongsloi) tank should be well-planted. Bogwood is also recommended. Small caves should be provided and care should be taken to ensure that some of these caves are too small for the male to enter as he can sometimes be aggressive towards the female and this will allow her a safe retreat. This species will also benefit from the use of dead leaves on the substrate, mimicking its natural habitat. Indian almond leaves are a great choice.

Feeding: Feed Redstripe apisto (Apistogramma hongsloi) a varied diet including a good quality cichlid pellet or flake, live or frozen foods, such as bloodworm or brine shrimp and vegetable matter in the form of spirulina or algae wafers.

Breeding: Spawning takes place in a cave and broods can be quite small, especially in a first spawning. The female Redstripe apisto (Apistogramma hongsloi) assumes guard duty at this point and will fearlessly drive away any fish that encroach on her territory. Eggs hatch in around three days and the fry are free swimming four or five days after that. The fry can be fed newly hatched brine shrimp.