
Marichyasana C: A posture for strong back, shoulders & abdomen

This pose is pronounced as mar-ee-chee-asa-na

The Western name for Marichyasana C is Marichi's pose C. The name comes from the fact that it is named after the sage, Marichi. The Sanskrit meaning for his name is “ray of light.” The asana forms part of the primary series in Ashtanga Yoga, where the first four variations of Marichyasana A, B, C and D are performed in sequence.


  • Sit in Dandasana with your spine straight and legs stretched out, feet touching each other and toes pointing upwards.
  • Bend your right knee and place your feet close to left knee.
  • Take your right arm behind and place it close to the backside, on the mat. Using its support, straighten your spine.
  • Breathe in and bring your left arm up. Now exhale, rotate your upper body to the right and bring your left arm to the outside of the right thigh. Wrap it around the right leg and place it on your back.
  • Swing your right arm around the back, and clasp the fingers/ wrist of the left hand.
  • Twist towards right and look over the right shoulder.
  • Hold the posture and take 5-10 deep breaths.
  • With each inhalation you can lengthen the spine, and with each exhalation you can twist a little more.
  • Release the posture and repeat the same on the left side.


  • Lengthens the spine making it strong and flexible.
  • Strengthen the muscles in the back region.
  • Improves posture and opens the shoulders.
  • Stimulates the organs in the abdominal region and improves digestion. 


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Avoid the pose if you are suffering from a back injury or hernia or any abdominal issue.

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