Know All About The King Of Asanas, Shirshasana

Posted on Oct 12, 2021, 22:41 IST
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King of Asanas
Shirshasana, also known as headstand, is the yoga pose where you stand inverted on the top of your head. This asana has the capacity to improve your physical and mental health and well-being immensely. Due to its many benefits, it is one of the main poses in Hatha Yoga and is also referred to as “The King of Asanas.” Its physiological impacts can be felt in the whole body.

“While performing a headstand, along with the body being upside down, the blood pressure also gets reversed. There is a change in the blood pressure in head, neck, shoulders, veins, blood vessels, lungs, and legs,” says Kaavita Das, Founder, The Pink Lotus Academia who says this Movement forces the body to react to maintain balance in the various body systems. “Shirshasana is loaded with umpteen benefits and practice only in your good physical health under the guidance of an experienced professional,” guides Das who shares the following instructions for performing Shirshasana.

King Of Asanas: Shirshasana Infographic

Step-by-step Instructions
Coming Out Of The Pose
The Benefits Of Headstands
Preparatory Poses
Contradictions Of Shirshasana
Common Mistakes
FAQs On Shirshasana

Step-by-step Instructions

Step-by-step Instructions of Shirshasana
Image: Shutterstock

Take it slow and one step at a time. Never rush while performing the headstand as it might lead to accidents.
  1. Choose a calm and quiet place to do this asana.
  2. Kneel down and stay focused. Bend and bring your head down on the yoga mat.
  3. Shift your body weight to your lower body and gently lift your one leg.
  4. While the first leg goes up, it is slowly followed by the other leg.
  5. Rest your hands with palms folded near the head. It acts as a support to the head.
  6. Make sure your body is straight.
  7. Stay in this position for few seconds, to begin with.
  8. Practise breathing with slow inhalation and exhalation in this position.

Pro Tip: Try not to eat for 2-3 hours before practicing Headstand. Make sure you spend some time warming up before entering the pose.


Variations of Shirshasana
Image: Shutterstock

One can try various updating positions while performing Shirshasana. After reaching the headstand position hold the legs horizontal to the floor. Spread the legs wide apart and hold the position for a minute.

Pro Tip: When practicing near a wall, do not lean against it. Try to only use it as a safety net to keep you from falling.

Coming Out Of The Pose

Coming Out Of The Pose Shirshasana
Image: Shutterstock

To relax the position comes down slowly by keeping one foot towards the ceiling. Start lowering the other foot towards the floor. Stay calm and relaxed and be in the position for a few seconds. Abruptly coming down the pose will result in back strain.

Pro Tip: This is called the Child’s Pose. Relax for 30 seconds in this pose which helps in cooling down the body.

The Benefits Of Headstands

The Benefits Of Headstands Shirshasana
Image: Shutterstock

There are many benefits, both physically and mentally achieved while performing Shirshasana. The longer you hold a pose, the better the effects of the pose. It is also important to stand as still and comfortably as possible in this pose. Here are some of the benefits of this asana.

Benefits of Shirshasana Infographic

Pro Tip: Push your shoulders away from the ears to protect the neck from excess pressure.

Preparatory Poses

Preparatory Poses of Shirshasana
Image: Shutterstock

To warm-up and prepare the body for the asana, one can start with Surya Namaskar especially when the asana is performed early mornings. Tadasana, Bharadvajasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Prasarita Padottanasana can be performed in a sequence before practicing Sirsasana. After performing an advanced asana such as the headstand pose, one can relax the body by performing Balasana, Sarvangasana and Savasana as follow-up poses.

Pro Tip: Shirshasana provides many benefits when performed the right way. But once you learn this valuable pose, you will reap the many benefits of inversions and all those wonderful ways to have a positive effect on your mind and body.

Contradictions Of Shirshasana

Contradictions Of Shirshasana
Image: Shutterstock

The following people should not practice Shirshasana:
  • Children who are under 7 years of age are not advised to try this pose. Their skull can be soft and prone to injuries.
  • A strict no for pregnant women. The high risk of falling out of the pose is high.
  • Glaucoma can increase the pressure in the eyes and hence people with glaucoma are not advised to try this pose.
  • People who suffer from acute or heavy migraines, shoulder or neck issues give a second though before attempting.
  • If you are suffering from any serious heart conditions, hypertension, it can worsen the problem.

Pro Tip:
Experts feel that one should consult a yoga expert and doctor also before doing any yogic activities.

Common Mistakes

Common Mistakes of Shirshasana
Image: Shutterstock

Avoid the following mistakes one tends to do while performing the headstand.
  • The hips can go beyond the shoulders. Or you might end up placing your elbows very far from each other.
  • The Head might land up in a wrong posture – either too far towards the forehead or too far towards the back of the head.
  • Avoid practicing this asana on a hard surface.
  • Breathing too quickly or too slow.

Pro Tip: Do not let the hips go beyond the shoulders, as you might lose balance and fall out of the pose.

FAQs On Shirshasana

Q. Is Shirshasana Good For Hair?

A. Yes, Shirshasana increases the flow of blood to your head and scalp, thus helping hair fall, greying of hair and aiding hair growth. It also helps to improve the facial complexion.

Q. How Much Time One Should Do The Headstand Yoga Pose?

A. Beginners should start with 30 seconds to 1 minute and can look at increasing the time as you progress.

Q. Can We Do Shirshasana Daily?

A. The experts feel you can practice Shirshasana daily for up to 15 minutes. Mornings are suggested as the best time for performing this asana to get maximum benefits.

Also Read: You Need To Know These Holistic Yoga Asanas For A Fit You!

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