Relax Your Nervous System With Makarasana

Posted on Oct 12, 2021, 23:05 IST
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Makarasana is also known as Crocodile Pose is a relaxation pose that relaxes the entire nervous system. The Sanskrit name of Makarasana means Crocodile (Makar) and Posture (Asana). It is a relaxation asana that is performed after practicing other high intense asanas. “This asana helps to relax the body and mind, which is also loaded with many major benefits.

Makarasana releases the strain if any, caused by the practice of other asanas, and it is also recommended to end a yoga session by practicing Makarasana,” says Abhishek Otwal, renowned Yoga expert who adds that This asana should be practiced at the end of a yoga session to cool down the body and give it the necessary rest.

Makarasana is advised to be practiced on an empty stomach and hence early mornings are best suited for this asana. In case you are not able to practice it in the morning, one can do it in the evenings after a three to four-hour gap from your last meal.

Makarasana is said to open the svadhisthana chakra in the spiritual cycle. The prone position of makarasana helps in achieving the best pose for relaxation and meditation. But it’s very important to first have adequate knowledge of the steps. Yoga expert Otwal shares the steps to practice Makarasana which also involves variations.

Makarasana and Crocodile pose Infographic

Step-By-Step Instruction
Makarasana Variation
Makarasana: How To Get Started?
Who Should Avoid
Benefits Of Makarasana
Common Mistakes
Up for a Challenge?
FAQs On Makarasana

Step-By-Step Instruction

Step-By-Step Instruction of Makarasana
Image: Shutterstock
  • Variation 1 is a simpler position for which one needs to relax the body and follow the steps.
  • Lie on your stomach.
  • Bend your right leg, creating a 45-degree angle with your thigh and calf.
  • Keep one leg (either right or left) straight behind you.
  • Place your corresponding cheek on your mat and gaze to the right.
  • Create cushioning by placing your hands below the cheek.
  • Rest in this pose for up to 10 - 15 minutes. Inhale and exhale deeply.

Pro Tip:
Makarasana is the best way to end your yoga session.

Makarasana Variation

Makarasana Variation
Image: Shutterstock
  • If you face knee issues, then you can follow variation 2 where you lie down with both legs straight behind you.
  • Lie flat on the ground or on any soft surface on the stomach.
  • Raise the head and both the shoulders.
  • Fold the arms in the front keeping the elbows pointing.
  • Keep the left palm down on the ground and the right palm on the left arm. Place the fingers touching the inside of the elbow.
  • Face head down on the center point, where the right wrist is above the left wrist.
  • Close your eyes and start relaxing the whole mind and body.
  • Breathe gently and slowly release the posture. 

Pro Tip:
All the stress that got accumulated throughout the day will be removed off from your system, keeping you refreshed and active.

Makarasana: How To Get Started?

Makarasana: How To Get Started?

The preparatory and follow-up positions are as important as following the instruction steps.

Pro Tips: It is a beginner pose that provides relief from stress and mental blocks; If you experience pain while performing this pose, release the pose safe and slow.

Who Should Avoid

Who Should Avoid Makarasana
Image: Shutterstock

Make sure you are feeling comfortable while practicing the asana. If you have a back injury, it is best to avoid this asana. For those with neck injuries, avoid any pressure or support for the neck. Otherwise, place a folded towel around the neck as a support during the asana or take your yoga instructor's supervision. “Those who have exaggerated lumbar curves should not practice Makarasana. If you are suffering from serious deep psychological issues, it is best to avoid the Makarasana. Practice it only after consulting your doctor and under the supervision of a yoga teacher,” advises Otwal.

Pro Tip:
This is a beginner pose with a low risk of injury, it’s important to prioritize safety by maintaining proper form.

Benefits Of Makarasana

Benefits Of Makarasana
Image: Shutterstock

While a regular yoga practice can result in improved health, makarasana helps in the overall cooling down of the body. Makarasana offers deep relaxation for your shoulders and spine. It helps to cure knee pain and also addresses any lung-related issues including asthma. It helps in curing slip disc, spondylitis, and sciatica. The stretches help relax the hip muscles.

Makarasana treats hypertension, heart diseases, and mental disorders. It stretches the core muscles of the abdomen, chest, and spine, bringing relief to the said areas. This asana keeps backache away from you and helps you to regularise your breathing pattern - breathing slowly and efficiently. The asana helps your calm down and thereby preventing anxiety. This asana helps to release all the rigid knots in the body making it more flexible.

Pro Tip: Practicing Makarasana every day is great for your body and mind.

Common Mistakes

Common Mistakes of Makarasana
Image: Shutterstock

While trying to lift the upper body, do not attempt to look straight to the ceiling. This might strain your neck or back. If you are a beginner, do not try for any other variations or plank positions. Crocodile Pose is meant to alleviate stress in your back and not add up to it. However, entering the pose at a fast pace can harm your back and bring adverse effects.

Pro Tip: For those with neck injuries, place a folded blanket around the neck as support during the asana.

Up for a Challenge?

Makarasana Up for a Challenge?
Image: Shutterstock

If you feel the pose is simple and want a bit advanced or a deeper stretch to the lower back, you can try an interesting twist to this pose. Try lifting your feet and upper body simultaneously. Keep your stomach, hips, and upper thighs firmly placed on the mat, and lift your chest and head. This helps in enhancing the core strength.

Pro Tip: All you need to get started is a convenient surface to lie on. Even more advanced versions of this pose do not require any props.

FAQs On Makarasana

Is Makarasana a prone pose?
Image: Shutterstock

Q. Is Makarasana a prone pose?

A. Since Makarasana is considered a relaxation pose, it is done after an intense yoga session involving poses like Ustrasana, Bhujangasana, Virabhadrasana and so on.

Q. How can you modify the crocodile pose?

A. If you feel uncomfortable in your shoulders then you can uncross the arms and rest your chin on the floor with the arms overhead and slightly to the side, elbows bent and hands kept one on top of the other.

Q. Who should avoid this asana?

A. Pregnant women and women with heavy flow during their periods should avoid this pose: The pressure on the abdomen is not safe for them.

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