Exercise Videos


Shirshasana/ Headstand Pose

0 min read

16 Oct 2018



Helpful in stress and improves concentration, gives strength to arms, shoulders and core muscles and improves the blood circulation to the head and scalp. Let's look at how it's done: Sit in vajrasana. Close the eyes and relax the whole body. This is the starting position.


Step 1

After a few minutes, open the eyes, bend forward and place the forearms on a mat with the fingers interlocked and the elbows in front of the knees

Step 2

Place the crown of the head on the mat between the interlocked fingers

Step 3

Wrap the hands around the head to make a firm support

Step 4

Now, Lift the knees and buttocks off the floor Slowly walk the feet as close as possible towards the trunk and head, gradually moving the back towards the vertical position

Step 5

Transfer the body weight slowly from the toes onto the head and arms, maintaining a steady balance

Step 6

Raise one foot off the floor, carefully balance, then raise the other foot and balance on the head and arms, and with knees bent Gradually straighten the legs in a controlled movement

Step 7

Hold the position for as long as is comfortable Then, slowly bend the knees and lower the body with control in the reverse order until the toes touch the floor

Step 8

Remain with the head on the ground in the kneeling position for a short time, then slowly return to the starting position

Step 9

And that's how you do Shirshasana

Step 10

Precautions.: People with high blood pressure, heart problems, cerebral or coronary thrombosis, arteriosclerosis, conjunctivitis, slipped disc or kidney problems should avoid this pose.

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