Ben Meer’s Post

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The Systems Guy • Follow me for systems on health, wealth, and free time ⚡ Cornell MBA • 2M+ audience

Love a good challenge? 7 personal growth challenges to change your life: Check the one-pager below for the breakdown 🏆 21-Day No-Complaint Experiment (Popularized by Tim Ferriss and Will Bowen) ↳ Develop positive psychology. 30-Day Minimalism Game (Proposed by The Minimalists) ↳ Declutter and simplify your life. 75 Hard (Invented by Andy Frisella) ↳ Build mental toughness. Tech-Free Saturdays (Credit: Brad Stulberg) ↳ Digital detox and manage your dopamine. 52-Week Money Challenge ↳ Save money that one day will save you. 3-Day Phone Charger Challenge ↳ Stop mindless scrolling in bed. Morning Pages Daily Journaling (Inspired by Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way) ↳ Write to think clearly. — Tip: Don’t try to do all of these at once! 😅 Commit to one, have fun, build the habit, and then try another. ✍️ Which of these are you excited to try? ♻️ Repost to help your network.

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Nir Eyal

Behavior and Habit Design | Bestselling Author of Hooked and Indistractable | Investor | Keynote Speaker | 1M+ Audience


Maybe I should make an Indistractable 30 challenge?

Eric Partaker

The CEO Coach | CEO of the Year '19 | McKinsey, Skype | Author | Follow for posts about business, leadership & self-mastery.


The 21-day no-complaint challenge is harder than it seems and that really puts things in perspective in a way, Ben.

Kevin Kermes

Helping the C-Suite create what's next for themselves | 4x Founder + 2x Exit | Growing: CreateNext Group + Career Attraction | Follow me to create more freedom (and joy) in your career + a life you love 🔥


Love this! The cascading benefits of reworking our neural pathways to change our beliefs (and habits) around where we seek our dopamine hits.

Rajeev Mudumba

Entrepreneurial Operations & Growth Strategist | Healthcare Executive | Startup Advisor | Podcast Host


Ben Meer all worth a try.

Justin Mecham

4 Exits + 20 yrs of Experience = Full Potential Zone Newsletter | Follow Me For Daily Lessons


Ben Meer the 21 days of no complaining needs to be 365 days 24/7 - we have enough negativity, we need more positivity!

Leslie Awasom, CRNA

I work 1:1 with 9-5 busy professionals to unlock their limitless growth leveraging RE investing | FREE Live workshop THIS Friday


No complaints for 21 days? Positivity, here I come! Great share, Ben Meer

Shawn Freeman

CEO Tech Coach helping Business Leaders turn Technology into their Superpower | 7 Figure Founder & Exit | Follow for daily tech, leadership and growth content.


Combining a digital detox with morning pages feels like a powerful duo for mindfulness Ben Meer

Lee Cliffe

73% of leads are more likely to convert when responded to within the first five minutes. However, many businesses fail to meet this critical window, resulting in missed opportunities and lost revenue.


Embrace the challenge, the thrill it brings, Seven paths to change, to spread your wings. No complaints for 21 days, a positive decree, Simplify your life for a month, set your soul free. 75 Hard, a test of might and will, Disconnect from tech, find peace, be still. Save and invest, a little each week, Three days without screens, clarity to seek. Morning Pages, journaling's sacred rite, Each challenge a step toward the light. Take them one by one, with patience and grace, Transform, evolve, in life's eternal embrace.

Mark Struczewski

Empowering Executives to Overcome Distractions, Manage Priorities, and Find Their Focus to Excel Every Day.


Over the years, I have developed the muscle not to be addicted to my phone. I don't share this to brag but to point out that it is possible. I can (and do) watch television without simultaneously scrolling on my phone. I can charge my iPhone next to my bed and not check it from when it goes on the charger (about 30 minutes before I climb into bed) until the morning. If you want to be able to do this, you can. Recently, I listened to a Cal Newport interview and removed all but one social media app from my phone: LinkedIn (I don't consider YouTube and Snapchat [what I use to video DM people] to be social media). I go into Focus Mode on weekdays from 8 am to noon - which, for me, means no email and no social media.


Most of the above things are great for readjusting our dopamine base levels. In today's world we are overwhelmed by exposures that trigger our brains and manipulate our dopamine release. Social media, porn and others things increase dopamine to an extend where our levels are constantly high. This is not healthy and will sooner or later result in a crash. A so called "dopamine detox" can be very beneficial. Therefore I believe the mentioned steps are amazing tools to do that.

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