Understanding ReefBond Smart Contract

Understanding ReefBond Smart Contract

 Understanding ReefBond Smart Contract

Discover ReefBonds, a game-changing way for community members to participate in consensus. ReefBonds are a form of community staking bond that revolutionizes consensus participation. These bonds utilize the ReefBond Smart Contract, a masterpiece of smart contract design.

The contract imports libraries like IERC20, SafeERC20, SafeMath, ReentrancyGuard, and Ownable. It also includes the MathExtras Library, enabling functions for calculations and comparisons.

The ReefBond Contract consists of two contracts: LPTokenWrapper and ReefValidatorBond.

LPTokenWrapper handles staking, withdrawal, and balance checks of LP tokens. ReefValidatorBond implements staking, reward distribution, and ownership management.

Various state variables are declared and mapped in the contract for efficient tracking. Important events like Staked, Withdrawn, RewardPaid, and RewardAdded notify external parties. The contract incorporates a constructor and a modifier for updating rewards.

View functions like

lastTimeRewardApplicable, rewardPerToken, and earned calculate rewards.

Public functions like;

stake, withdraw, exit, getReward, increaseReward, and seize enable user actions.

ReefBond offers a secure and rewarding way to stake LP tokens and earn REEF rewards.

Get more insights into ReefBond here 🧵https://twitter.com/Reef_Chain/status/1683866019952214017

Join the Reef community and explore the benefits and opportunities of Reef Bonds today!

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