Forward Bends for Stress Relief (7): Parshvottanasana Intense Side Stretch Pose Parshvottanasana Intense Side Stretch Pose

Forward Bends for Stress Relief (7): Parshvottanasana Intense Side Stretch Pose

Forward Bends for Stress Relief (7): Parshvottanasana Intense Side Stretch Pose

In Sanskrit parshva means back or side, ut means intense, tana means stretch, and asana means pose.

Brief instruction

Start with the right foot about 3ft in front of the left, toes pointing to the front edge of the mat. Turn the left foot about 60° and inhale bring your hands to namaste/prayer position behind your back (if this is not possible hold your wrists or elbows) open the shoulders and chest, looking up to the sky. Keep your thigh muscles engaged. Exhale, keeping the shoulders opened back, fold the body forwards from the hips. reaching the chin towards your shin. Keep working on pulling the right hip back so the hips stay parallel and keep the spine long. Stay here breathing deeply, focusing on the body alignment. Relaxing into the posture as you exhale reaching your chin towards your extended leg. Inhaling bring the body up. Exhaling release the arms come back to Samastithi (equal standing posture)

This pose may have benefits; stretches the hips and hamstrings, lengthens the spine, relaxes and opens the shoulders and neck, stimulates digestive organs, improves sense of balance, calms the mind, Reduces stress.

This post is for information only. No accuracy of this post is claimed. This post cannot replace medical advice and actual teaching for Yoga with any type of Meditation. Hence no responsibility of injury whatsoever due to this post is taken. Thank you.

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