SALE: Buy 1 get 2 packs on marked seeds!

Now shipping to Tas & WA plus all states.


$5.00 AUD

Availability: In stock

Lunaria annua Mixed also commonly known as “Honesty” or “Silver Dollar Plant” One of my favorites in the Spring garden. Large purple or white flower heard appear atop  lush green foliage, the spent flowers transform to attractive green discs and finally turning to  translucent papery, silver moons. Loved for drying and decoration. This lovely annual will self seed feely from year to year. Enjoys full sun to light shade, not fussy on soil type. 90cm x 60cm.

Sowing Advice-
Lunaria annua Mixed Seeds can be sown directly into the ground where required in Spring.  Alternatively, sow in late winter early spring in good quality seed raising mix, just cover with vermiculite or course sand and place  on a gentle heat 15-20 degrees C. Prick out into small 75mm pots  and plant out in the garden when a little more established. Don’t forget to collect seed for next season in summer.

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