Try paschimottanasana to relieve constipation

Try paschimottanasana to relieve constipation

If you have been looking for natural ways to beat constipation, here is an easy yoga pose that can help resolve and keep the problem at bay.

Written by Bhavyajyoti Chilukoti |Updated : March 10, 2015 6:14 PM IST

Paschimottanasana, also known as seated forward bend pose, helps in relieving constipation and other stomach complications. Apart from stimulating the pelvic muscles and helping the stomach function better, this yoga asana strengthens the thigh muscles, relaxes the arms/back and improves blood flow to the face. Therefore, people suffering from constipation or any other stomach issues are advised to try this asana to get rid of constipation in a natural way.

Steps to do this pose

Step 1: Sit straight with your legs together and stretched out on the floor such that your feet are pointed towards the ceiling.

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Step 2: As you inhale, stretch both arms upwards. Now as you exhale, bend forward towards your toes by keeping the spine erect. Hold the big toe of your feet with the index finger and thumb. Make sure you are breathing in as you do this.

Step 3: Now, exhale and gradually bend forward to touch your forehand to the knees, ensuring that your elbows should touch the floor.

Step 4: Stay in this position for at least 10 20 seconds as you hold your breath. Now, slowly get back to the sitting position as you inhale. Repeat this asana for 5 or 6 times to attain its benefits.

Tips to keep in mind:

  • People suffering from back pain and spine problems are advised not to do this pose, as it may worsen the condition.
  • Initially, it may be difficult to touch your knees with your forehead. But as you practice this asana regularly, you will gain flexibility and will reach perfection.

Image Source: Getty Images

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