How a Trumpet is Made
Manufacturing the bell

A fan-shaped piece of brass, approximately 0.5 mm thick, is beaten into a rounded shape and the two edges are welded together. (Brass is an alloy consisting of 70% copper and 30% zinc.) In this traditional method of construction, a skilled craftsman beats the rounded tube into a bell shape using a hammer. This is a "one-off" construction method and is used for top-quality custom or "pro-model" instruments.

The hammering process

The hammering process

The spinning process involves pushing the bell onto the core bar using a spatula as the two are rotated together. This is extremely demanding physical labor and-like the hammering process-is carried out by the sure hand of a craftsman.



In order to enable the bell stem to maintain its roundness when it is bent, a special metal is poured into it beforehand. The stem is then bent into shape when the metal has cooled and hardened.



Bending the bell stem

Bending the bell stem

Finally, the Yamaha logo is precisely applied to the bell by computer.