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Parivritta Trikonasana

Revolved Trikonasana
 parivrtta = to turn around, revolve
tri = three 
kona = angle


The rotation of the spine in this pose requires the muscles on the outsides of the hip joints to be very long, and because of the narrowness of the pose, the same muscles are very actively modulating their actions to keep from falling side to side. This eccentric action of lengthening while stabilizing for balance can make this pose feel very precarious.

If the legs and pelvis do not have the mobility to flex and rotate as much as needed, the spine may flex to compensate. Rotating the spine when it is in a flexed position leaves the joints along the back of the spine vulnerable to overmobilizing. It is important in this pose to respect the range of motion available in the spine and to avoid using the pressure of the hand on the floor or against the leg to force movement.

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