Autumn grass mite

Neotrombicula autumnalis


The harvest mite Neotrombicula autumnalis is widely distributed worldwide and mainly occurs during the warmer months in summer and autumn. Only the larval stage, which is about 0.3 mm – 0.4 mm in size, lives parasitically for a few days, feeding on the lymph and blood of the host animal. The nymph stages, as well as the adult mites, live in or on the ground and feed on carrion, detritus, or through predation. The development cycle of the harvest mite lasts approximately 3-5 months (Mehlhorn & Mehlhorn 2020).

Human pathogenicity: The larva of Neotrombicula autumnalis can parasitize humans and feed on their blood and lymph. About 2-3 days after infestation, intense itching and papule formation can occur at the bite sites (Mehlhorn & Mehlhorn 2020).

Exemplary Sources
  • Mehlhorn, H; Mehlhorn, B (2020)
    Zecken, Milben, Fliegen, Schaben. Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg.