Choose Wisely

Potential vs. Struggle

“Women don’t care about the struggle. They wait at the finish line and fuck the winners.”

Rich Cooper

This is a popular belief in the Manosphere today. Hypergamous stress is so intense that women have turned into mercenaries with respect to vetting the men they’ll accept to plan a future with. I’ll admit, a lot of well-meaning Red Pill men believe women’s Hypergamous Filter is necessarily amoral if not overtly cruel. The ill-informed critics of Hypergamy believe in a binary extreme. They presume that all those Red Pill guys are self-defeated by the idea that all women are prostitutes and only “out to get theirs“. This is simplistic ignorance of the concept of Hypergamy meant to dissuade the curious from Red Pill truths that they refuse to process. But do they kind of have a point though?

Virtually every extreme of MGTOW and the Mens Rights Movement have some open variation of how Hypergamy is a straight jacket and

Why bother with a woman for anything other than a short term fuck if her Hypergamous nature will just predispose her to jumping ship to the first guy who comes along with a bigger dick or a bigger wallet?”

I covered all of these is detail in Hypergamy – The Misconceptions a while ago in case you’re curious as to why these are unfounded, and more often deliberate, misunderstandings of women’s nature. And no, that doesn’t mean I’m backpedaling on anything I’ve ever written about Hypergamy.

A couple weeks ago I got wrapped up in a Twitter exchange about the conflict between whether women indeed wait for the winners at the finish line or they make calculated bets about a man’s future potential.

From a pragmatic point of view I’m very much inclined to agree with this assessment. Yes, it makes women seem overly mercenary with respect to Hypergamy, but I’ve said it as much myself in any number of prior essays:

Women can only willingly want to please a man whose Frame is the dominant one. You’ve got to have that world established that she wants to enter and become a complementary, supportive (of you) and willing participant in. This world-building takes time. Women evolved to seek competency in men. Hypergamy cannot afford to bet all of a woman’s genetic legacy on a guy who has “potential” – they want the proven commodity. This is one reason women look for men older and taller than they are. More importantly, you need a woman who is playing on your team, not against you. And sadly this is the state of marriage promoted by the Feminine Imperative today. Egalitarianism doesn’t promote complementary cooperation, it promotes an adversarial state of competition between husband and wife.

The Marriage Game

In a purely evolutionary context it’s true; because a woman’s sexual market value – and ultimately her only agency with men – is perishable Hypergamy cannot afford for a woman to waste her time on a ‘good bet‘. This truth is a basic, Darwinistic, rule for women’s sexual strategy.

Despite all the social conventions to make them believe otherwise, women’s hindbrains know that their sexual agency and prime fertility window in life is limited. This creates a degree of urgency in a woman as she gets closer to, or ages past, the Wall. This understanding necessitates tradeoffs, but optimally a woman would prefer not to take chances with her reproductive future – and ultimately her life’s future.

For the more nihilistically inclined men of the ‘sphere, this Darwinistic determinism seems like a reproductive death sentence. If women only fuck the winners at the finish line, and you’re a loser, you may as well give up and go jerk off, right? This defeatism is a core tenet of the Black Pill.

All that said, a lot of people disagree with this assessment:

Jack knows I love him, but he is living with a girl much younger than himself. While I think that’s cool, and proof of Red Pill concept, he is actually living out the point being made here. Statistically, women tend to prefer men who are 5 to 7 years their senior. Another aspect of women’s evolved mental firmware is the natural attraction to older men as prospective long term mates. Women know that it takes men longer to mature into the genuine value that her Hypergamous Filters test for. An older rich man is always more believable than a younger rich man. Women tend to pair with a man their senior because Hypergamy doesn’t need to wait on his potential when he’s already a proven commodity.

Most of the criticism in this thread centers on exaggerating the age of “marriageable men” to the point of absurdity, but women do look for long term security as a prime requisite of the men they hope to pair for life with. There is a root-level presumption in women, correct or not, that an older man will have established the status and resources a woman needs in a long term partner. In fact, our feminine-primary social order shames men for not preparing to assume this role of security provider for women by a certain age (usually 30ish).

Alexander is also a good friend, but I’m going to disagree with half of his assessment. Women don’t readily recognize potential in men. In fact most of them are piss poor at it. This is because they’ve been socially conditioned to focus more on themselves (and exacerbated by their innate solipsism) than be concerned with making a good assessment of men’s potential for future success.

Now, before you think I’m siding with the Hypergamous nihilists, this did give me pause to step back and assess my stance on women reading men’s potentials to provide for their future security. And that last part is the most important because women’s sexual strategy has two parts: Alpha Fucks – short term sexual needs – and Beta Bucks – long term provisioning and security needs. It’s the latter that we’re discussing in this debate.

Women want to fuck the winners in the short term, but they will also assess a man’s potential for the long term.

Hypergamy cannot afford to wait for 100% perfect confirmation of a man’s Alpha status before she has sex with him. This Hypergamic bypass is actually one vulnerability women have with respect to well calibrated Game.

The Epiphany Phase Revisited

In the essay Women’s Existential Fear I also made the following proposition:

The Existential Fear in women is that their innate, Hypergamous Filter, their Feminine Intuition, might be fooled, and by being fooled she may either die or have her reproductive potential compromised for her lifetime by bearing and raising the child of man who is a suboptimal Hypergamous choice for her – a man who exerted his will over her Hypergamous choosing filters.

Making Choices

All of this presumes that a woman is in some way testing for a man’s potential. Even women’s autonomous shit testing is a confirmation of this. So yes, women do look for potential in men. Some better than others. The Hypergamous Filter is an imperfect tool which is exactly why women needed to mystify their feminine intuition in popular understanding. Men had to be kept in the dark as to a woman’s motives because their filters have always been intuitive guesswork. This is a vulnerability that men might exploit – with good Game for instance – if women were ever honest about it.

Not all women can fuck the winners so they have to make calculated bets on men. This is also a reason women rely on social proof and the preselection cues of other women. If other women find a guy to be a ‘good bet’ it provides her a short cut to getting to intimacy. Again, Hypergamy cannot afford to miss out on a socially confirmed ‘good bet’. And yes, this is also a vulnerability in women’s vetting process that men with good Game regularly exploit.

So, the tradeoff is this: when a woman is at her peak sexual market value (SMV) she has the leisure to fuck the winners at the finish line. The more her SMV decays the fewer her options become, and the more likely it is that her necessity requires her to make a ‘bet’ on a man’s future potential. This is the primary reason women opt for the Beta in Waiting around her Epiphany Phase. Necessity forces her to go with good potential.

One of the ways feminism and female-primacy sabotages women’s ability to vet for good potential is in the mythology surrounding their sexual viability as they get older. Social conventions constantly reinforce the false idea that a woman’s SMV is indefinite – and by extension her agency over men should also be indefinite. This is why Blank Slate idealism and Social Constructionism are a preferred mythology for women. Without the Blank Slate a woman would be forced to accept the evolved realities of her sex. The Blank Slate is a prime source of women’s solipsistic denial of her own nature.

Turnkey Men

Do women care about the struggle? Do women ever appreciate the sacrifices a man must make to facilitate their own realities? I explored this topic a long time ago in Appreciation and I’m still going with my old assessment, no.

It may be that a man of Rich Cooper’s age, affluence and status only attracts the ‘finish line girls’ because he’s already a made man. He’s an attractive catch because he’s already a proven commodity. Thus, he tends to attract women who are looking for a ‘Turnkey’ man with an established world into which they want to move.

I should also add that most middle aged women, past their sexual prime and well past any long term potential they may’ve had themselves universally look for the ‘Turnkey’ man – once they’re done playing cougar immediately after their divorce. This is another illustration of women’s sexual strategy from the post-Wall side. Alpha Fucks – Beta Bucks never changes, only the context does. Post divorce women go through a second Epiphany Phase right after the divorce. Play cougar and fuck the fun college guys if they can because it’s easy, but be on the lookout for a ‘Turnkey’ winner who’s still ignorant of his Blue Pill conditioning at 45.

Whether it’s a woman in her late 20s or a post-Wall ‘mature woman‘ a man’s struggles to become her ideal is largely irrelevant to her. WHile women are speculators with respect to men it’s the end result of those struggles that’s the operative for her. Almost every woman who disagreed in the Twitter thread above all had some success story of how their brilliant feminine intuition led to them investing in the man they’re so proud to call a husband now. None of them were about how they made a horrible mistake in betting their future on a losing horse. So it’s important to see how the results skew for women.

Women will readily make claims on Relational Equity as an insurance against his leaving her later, once he’s achieved that potential. His struggle and her bearing through it with him is only important in that it produced the positive results she’d hoped for. That ‘dedication’ of seeing it through is her relationship insurance. It’s why women despise and reinforce the “trophy wife” meme. It’s prime indignation to have a man betray her speculation on him by rewarding a younger, hotter, tighter woman at the finish line.

Your struggle is her burden despite you having to bear it under duress of her abandoning you if you failed. Women will never appreciate the sacrifices a man makes to facilitate a reality, her sexual/life strategy, she believes was always her due. You just did what you were supposed to do as a man. Women believe it is their due to pair with a man who is worthy of her social media inflated ego. If that sounds harsh remember that women regularly bemoan the lack of men who are their “equal partners” in both money and education well after their prime SMV years are past.

Finally, the reason the finish line metaphor is apt is because more women than ever are postponing marriage in the expectation that ‘Turnkey’ made men will be waiting and available when they hit 31-33 years old, rather than investing in men with good potential in their early to mid 20s. Doing so would mean sacrificing their peak SMV Party Years when someone like Sheryl Sandberg convinces them to wait for the ‘Right Guy‘. It’s simple pragmatism for a woman not to bet her reproductive future on an unproven commodity so early in life. If she does, and it works out for the best, she’s practically sainted by the Sisterhood for her prudence and sacrifice for him. Behind every great man is a woman, right?

But if she chooses unwisely and her life goes to hell she’s wasted her own potential on a bad bet. Social conventions can mitigate this of course. Men can always be blamed for her downfall, but she’s still saddled with the consequences of that bad bet. And it is exactly these consequences of a bad Hypergamous choice that the Feminine Imperative will bend all its power to legally and socially insure against for women (i.e. legal abortion, child support laws, #MeToo, the Duluth Model of feminism).

All of this is why women are pushing their decision to marry, if at all, back to older and older ages. The average age of first marriage today is 27-28 for women, and the overall marriage rate has been in free-fall for decades now. This is why. This evolved dynamic is conflicting with our present age’s social imperatives for women and the falsehoods they are conditioned to believe about their sex from the earliest ages.

If you liked this topic you can also listen to my discussion about it with Donovan Sharpe here:

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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Angry Gamer
Angry Gamer
4 years ago

ROLLO SAYS, But if she chooses unwisely and her life goes to hell she’s wasted her own potential on a bad bet. But we see this all the time. Women are having children with convicted serial killers. The young lady says, bring on the bad boys. It’s the young lady’s mother who wants her to marry the doctor. In areas where there is less plenty than the West there are women who judge a potential suitor by the number of goats a man has. In the west with it’s ample social safety net a woman can wait and wait to… Read more »

big max
big max
4 years ago

@angry gamer… you’re 100% right. i have 3 sisters, and they have LOTS of friends. i’m the youngest so i got to hear all their conversations about men their age, dealing with older men, etc., and one thing is true: women are stuck FIRMLY in the present; they give zero fucks about the future overall, and they care even less about their personal future. when that hard alpha dick is ready, they jump on it… receive… and live with the consequences. they put their future SQUARELY in the hands of the penis owner-giving him full control of her body, and… Read more »

4 years ago


Angry Gamer and big max (nice avatar names, by the way….It’s never failed to amuse me, the names you guys take. And what ever happened to Softek? I notice Angry Gamer capitalizes and big max uses lower case. Good luck with that.) have you ever heard of the concept of a bottoms up approach to your dealing with reality and inter-sexual dynamics, rather than a top down approach?

What would you imagine that to be? What would it be to you?

4 years ago

“Do women care about the struggle? Do women ever appreciate the sacrifices a man must make to facilitate their own realities? I explored this topic a long time ago in Appreciation and I’m still going with my old assessment, no.” Maybe not but women can still create life. I don;t struggle for women i struggle to get better at crafting the ultimate god version of myself. Not sure the improvements get better but self assessment and inner growth and change in people who push you to become the ultimate version of who you can become. Art appreciates Art a positive… Read more »

4 years ago

Here’s a very good illustration of this as it plays out in real life. In my Latin dance group there’s now a series of contests which I also entered. Last year I entered with a friend of mine…just a female friend. We practiced and worked hard but a combination of factors including typical politics and various biases of judges who favour their own students we didn’t get into the semi finals. This year she avoided entering with me, joined with another friend and made it to the semi finals. Women don’t want potential they don’t want Mr. Right they want… Read more »

4 years ago

Women foolishly think men care about their college education and work experience. In reality, it’s a turn-off to men to be out-ranked & out-earned by their female love interests. If women had a better grasp of reality, they would realize that it’s a turn-off to their hind-brain as well. But women post-wall have fewer options and are left to date lesser educated & lesser valued men. Both sides lose after time. It all comes down to women empowerment and sexual liberation making it very easy to be turned-off my these modern overbearing and out-of-touch women.

4 years ago

Rollo confirms black pill yet again despite being against it.

4 years ago

An interesting aspect of this is that, in terms of Provision capability, Universities are testing the students, to some extent to provide employers with some idea of their respective potential. I’m pretty sure the girls there are also taking note of that.

Something to be said about college sports as well, I guess.

4 years ago

Yeah, I totally recognise what the post says about world-building if you want to attract a woman into your life. And, boy, how I used to resent it. When I graduated college, I knew it would probably take me ten years of struggle before I could, say, afford to buy and maintain a car. Meanwhile, my female fellow-graduates, who were in the same financial boat as me, were driving their boyfriends’ cars, living rent-free in their boyfriends’ homes if they had to, and sporting tans from foreign holidays their boyfriends had paid for. Even less attractive women had men who… Read more »

4 years ago

Milo and religion

Stephanie G (@MsStephanieG1)

Hypergamy? branch swinging? What a cynical view of women! Women are not nearly as cynical and opportunistic as the manosphere supposes. What women want is love and we are extremely sensitive to its absence. We can tell long before a man even has an inkling that he doesn’t or no longer loves us. Splitting up or divorce frees men to find a woman he does love. This isn’t Machiavellian cunning on women’s part. Love is all important to us and being stuck in a loveless or meh relationship is intolerable to most women.

4 years ago

“What women want is love and we are extremely sensitive to its absence.”

Note that it talks only about what it wants, not what it gives.

4 years ago

@ Stephanie

Define love.

4 years ago

Ex- Cartoonist “But when you know for a fact that no-one is going to come along and sweep you off your feet you just get on with it. You learn to master situations and your own fears, not because you want to, but because it’s the only thing that works. You end up developing character, sometimes even despite yourself.” The wisdom from Le Chateau… “If you are a man, know that the moment you were born the universe had it in for you. The deck was stacked. The deal was raw. Your expendability was programmed into your wet code before… Read more »

4 years ago

Stephanie The definition of opportunistic is: exploiting chances offered by immediate circumstances without reference to a general plan or moral principle. “We can tell long before a man even has an inkling that he doesn’t or no longer loves us.” And vice versa, you can tell in an instant when you are attracted/not attracted to a man or want to pursue him for opportunities of reciprocal love/desire. Question 1: How is that not hypergamous seeking? Question 2: When you can tell in that instant, do you acknowledge that openly and up front, always, right away? Why not? The definition of… Read more »

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

Women and as a result girls too are off the chain, Men and boys are chained to the rails,misinformed and trying to self correct in erroneous directions mainly due to misinformation.

The best thing about Rollo’s writings IMO is the return to the basic drivers of behavior ,our instinct. This explains the fail-safe mode of humanity.

4 years ago

It’s fascinating to see the Redpill community evolve/move forward and see the different branches that are diverting in different directions , reminds me of Christianity. Some truths are a very very bitter pill to swallow and some men just don’t want to go to the logical end with women. If you truly study women with a Redpill lens you will see as others have pointed out above, the majority of women only truly ever live in the moment and very little else when it comes to reproduction/sex, this is the way nature intended it to be, in order to get… Read more »

4 years ago

Rollo: Statistically, women tend to prefer men who are 5 to 7 years their senior. …for long term relationships (which is Rollo’s OP context), not necessarily for STRs. Age differences often don’t matter for women who have STRs…e.g. cougars, sugar babies As regards women’s behavior–I see women who behave like they are feral and I see women who behave like they are civilized. Daughter Gamer’s girlfriends have tended to stay married past ten years. Otoh, I see lots of divorced women riding the carousel, too. Women all have the same sexual wiring, but not all women behave the same–training does… Read more »

4 years ago


Ugly women are fucked up as much as ugly low-T male metrosexuals. But low-T male metrosexuals can change their situations by improving themselves, while ugly women can never ever ever get high value men.

The deck is really only stacked against ugly women and against men who abhor self-improvement.

Sean Penn is ugly when compared with Tom Cruise, but Penn has a beautiful 18 y.o. girlfriend. Why? Penn improved himself.

4 years ago

Another one you’ve knocked out of the park, Rollo!

The only thing I’d comment about Rich Cooper’s comment is that it is a rule of thumb, just like awalt, not a definitive truth.

4 years ago

Meh on the post… I think Palma has a good take – there is stage for women when this kind of explicit thinking takes root. I think too many “manosphere” doods didn’t have success with women when they were young so they always fall into the beta bux kind of analysis. And there is way too much “twisdom” being fired off by guys who are now pandering to a paying base of followers, pithy sound bites that are red meat to the base but have not been thought through. This Rich Cooper guy, idk much aboot him (he’s canuck) except… Read more »

4 years ago
4 years ago

“Ugly women are fucked up as much as ugly low-T male metrosexuals.”

False comparison. At the end of the day, when the music’s over, there is a guy left standing.
4 years ago


Why do you and your supposed “red” pilled group continue to consort with known cuck Jack Murphy?

Here is the article linked via imgur that he has since deleted admitting to being a self-admitted cuckold?
comment image

Why are you posting his tweets?

Could you care to explain this?

I think there are many imposters amongst us.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago


Honestly this is the first I hear of that. Fuck that guy. He’s a cautionary tale.

4 years ago

Curious and please elaborate: what does what Jack Murphy do/did/say have to do with Rollo?

You posted something from 2015. How many men here even heard of read this?

I take Rollo on his words alone. Never judge him for attempting to connect with other men to advance knowledge and help other men. Rollo isn’t Jack Murphy. Rollo can’t answer for Jack Murphy.

Go ask Jack Murphy.

4 years ago

Good analysis on the comments, each situation is individual as Sentient pointed out. As Blax pointed out Rollo is not Jack Murphy, so he cannot answer for him, Jack’s actions no longer match his message in terms of Mr. Murphy, the Redpill is going to splinter into the commercial and non-commercial version. There are some solid guys that Rollo is connected with , Rich Cooper is one of them, while I personally don’t enjoy Rich’s delivery he is straightforward and upfront about what he is doing, if you listen to him, he makes it clear he is looking out for… Read more »

4 years ago

“This guy been dating her since high school…” again Sentient drop top material hailey wants to be a puppy… but she’s not. active on gram = seeking better offers pic 1 = she looks at camera, he looks at her. she leans out, he leans in. she hold his head like baby, he appear to almost have hoverhand instead of gripping that ass like he about to tear into it. she physically above him pic 2 = she lean out, he lean in. she sways hips away and pinches knees, he has faggy limp right wrist. her neck stiff while… Read more »

4 years ago

Missing a post from the new Andriod Tor browser… hmmmm I had to google Bilzerian. I mean you just have to forget these trust fund guys. He shouldn’t be in the manosphere as an example of any kind. You don’t need any game when you have that kind of wealth and lifestyle, poon fight each other for access to your doorstep. Let’s be clear, Bilzerian is only an example of the kind of Finstagram marketing all of these other guys seem to be copying these days, so to delude their followers into paying for subscriptions etc… [Coop’s charging $1,100 an… Read more »

4 years ago

I met my now wife when she was 19,. I was 22. Assume what you will about my present options, her options in the kill or be killed Tinder SMP,

IMO, it’s your choice to turn women en masse into the enemy or not.

If I’m to believe women are the enemy, if the intersexual dynamic is truly a fixed pie as Rollo writes, then what I’ve experienced is one-off and ride or die is a myth.

I’m not jaded enough to think that.

I’ve an idea what’ll get guys laid better.

Doug W
Doug W
4 years ago

Rollo I agree 100% that women do not and can not appreciate the sacrifices a man makes and the struggles he endures. As you have stated a man must make himself his mental point of origin. Without this a man will surrender or make the ultimate sacrifice to escape the pain inflicted by the feminine imperative. Feral indeed

4 years ago

By my book Rollo and Rich are both right. Rollo admits as much indirectly — he wants to discredit the “fuck the winners” accusation but continually acknowledges they kind of have a point. Of course women don’t have an infalllible filtering mechanism. Most things exist on a spectrum. The main difference I see is that Rich is talking about women capitalizing on a beta bucks strategy and Rollo refers to both. Whether they’re hanging around on spring break for the guy shoulder pressing the keg or in the dining room at the Waldorf, they’re both finish lines of a sort.… Read more »

4 years ago

So, the tradeoff is this: when a woman is at her peak sexual market value (SMV) she has the leisure to fuck the winners at the finish line. The more her SMV decays the fewer her options become, and the more likely it is that her necessity requires her to make a ‘bet’ on a man’s future potential. Since most American women, in general, between the ages of 18-28 aren’t marrying at all and are “doing other things*”, and since the majority of women who do agree to finally marry are 28+ in age, it suggests that ANY men who… Read more »

4 years ago

coders could easily make app that analyzes all pictures of desired subjects (most likely male and female but could work for dom/sub, more/less invested party etc) to determine the power and attraction dynamics using objective data points that rely on static pictures of body language would be better than using emotion to evaluate whether or not you were choosing wisely in making any human resources investments could also be used to flag warning signs when significant other’s body language changes at significant level a monthly subscription to have algos monitor social media feeds/cloud accounts “warning: rule x subsection y violation:… Read more »

4 years ago

“So, the tradeoff is this: when a woman is at her peak sexual market value (SMV) she has the leisure to fuck the winners at the finish line.” Not really. Most 36 year old peak Alphas are hunted to near extinction, long off the market, family, kids, mortgages, happy sex life and unavailable to 21 y.o. peak SMV women. Peak SMV women aren’t even considering peak SMV guys as the age difference puts the two groups in different cohorts, different value systems. They’re running in different circles, the peak Alpha tending to his chosen legacy. I’m of the opinion that… Read more »

4 years ago

“Rollo confirms black pill yet again despite being against it”.


When girls are in their prime (17-25), they don’t really care how far along you are in the race, just as long as you’ve got (L)ooks+game, they’ll fuck you.

Post-Prime/Wall girls (28+), do place more importance on who’s leading the race, so they’ll head to the finish line and make themselves available to those with (M)oney and (S)tatus.

*in general. inb4 examples of a girl in her prime fucking an ugly guy with Status and a post-prime girl fucking a broke good looking guy.

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

From my experience they (wimen) start out with their sights lined out on “the winners” and as the paretto principle plays out it becomes painfully obvious to that 80% that they will have to settle for potential or spend more nights alone in the dark woods with that (I can only guess) empty yearning for the masculine. At some point they will reinvent the guy they settled for into something real or imagined alpha or jump to the next. There is some irony in that if she lands Alpha she will attempt to Betaize him and if she lands beta… Read more »

4 years ago

“When girls are in their prime (17-25), they don’t really care how far along you are in the race….” So what you’re saying is girls fuck good looking/physically-ordered, clever/novel men? Yeah girls fuck. Like all the time. Hm. The point,i IMO, though, is she willing to carry his baby to term and does his age, marital status matter for that to occur? Is it a failure of a man’s AF if he can’t make it occur? You know, women do choose to fuck outside the AF/BB spectrum just as some women choose to not divorce and work it out for… Read more »

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago
4 years ago

Very Red Pill movie tbh

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago

Guys here are giving inherited wealth a bad taste and it’s totally a stupid thing to do. Getting something from nothing and no one is a nice superhero origin story, but there’s a whole lot of life to experience and people who do things you can’t that exist in the world. Telling yourself getting wealthy is against the rules is dumb and inconsiderate of a future where you just might be closer to your goals if only you hadn’t said that stupid thing to that one person that one time. Don’t be a hater. If you’re in denial of how… Read more »

4 years ago

I happened to come to this blog after hearing the name Rollo mentioned as the godfather of the manosphere after stumbling on a you tube video. Can’t miss these redpill you tube videos; they are all over the damn place. What amazes me is that men are amazed and shocked by the nature of women. I’ve always have access to good looking women from a young age due to good looks (was also a little arrogant ) and even more so now. ( looks money, still arrogant, no apologies) I’ve come from a good looking family. Growing up as a… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago


You wouldn’t want to see your son doing a Bilzerian move? Destiny Fulfilled.

4 years ago

People born to real wealth drive beige Camrys and don’t have Instagram accounts.

4 years ago

@seth10 “Instead use your money to fuck the young sexy escorts” Sounds like your rambling comment can be summed up right there. You don’t have to justify banging hookers if that works for you. Because redpilled men dont care who other men fuck. But not all men get the same satisfaction out of that. That kind of comment is also typical of the alt-right who are known to hijack manosphere blogs with the deflection of just bang a hooker once a month so we can get that behind us and then we can transition to ranting about those who oppress… Read more »

4 years ago

“Guys here are giving inherited wealth a bad taste and it’s totally a stupid thing to do.” I’m not against it per se as the wealth isn’t at issue generally. The issue is how unearned earned wealth recalibrates a man’s intention. Millionaire Next Door “Being wealthy can have an adverse impact on children, and the authors found that children of the affluent tend to be below average. As an example of why this is so, consider an affluent couple that generously offers to pay their newlywed child’s mortgage. The child will likely move into a house they couldn’t otherwise afford… Read more »

4 years ago

“When girls are in their prime (17-25), they don’t really care how far along you are in the race, just as long as you’ve got (L)ooks+game, they’ll fuck you.” “When girls are in their prime (17-25), they don’t really care how far along you are in the race, just as long as you’ve got game, they’ll fuck you.” fify I’ll bet J hasn’t done cold approach in his life–I’ll bet that he always waits for girls to signal interest before he approaches them. That’s never been how I rolled. Sure, sometimes girls signal interest in me before I approach, but… Read more »

4 years ago

“People born to real wealth drive beige Camrys and don’t have Instagram accounts.”

Yeah, if they start with nothing and then earn their wealth, they drive beat up station wagons.

Funnily enough, I don’t have an Instagram account and I recently was driving a silver Camaro convertible rental which cost $37, lol, and I got upgraded and given discounts by the woman agent just because. But I wasn’t born to real wealth, so that’s why I don’t drive a beige Camry.

4 years ago

@Eh “For example, inheritance can be placed in a trust and not released until certain milestones are met such as… turning a certain age (like 35 years old). This can ensure that children don’t rely on the inheritance when they’re young and develop bad habits.” I’m against agressive inheritance taxes. But I’ve seen people fall into inheritance even after age 50, quit their day job, buy celebrity house in most expensive neighborhood, ultra-luxury car etc. Living a lifestyle the deceased family member never lived. Bascially acting like a chump with money with a target painted on his back for other… Read more »

4 years ago

“Instead use your money to fuck the young sexy escorts .” Because the AMOUNT of money some hot young Russian girl will take won’t be enough if it’s coming from some fat Harvey Weinstein-looking loser than from some rich rock-star type. Hypergamy is a biological driver and not based on material comforts per se. The Cave man with the biggest club or coolest looking lion skin robe vs the young, jacked cave man with no cave of his own—nail-biter there on who’s gonna get Wilma Flintstone in her prime. Guys who call out these Red Pill pillars don’t go deeper… Read more »

4 years ago

“Instead use your money to fuck the young sexy escorts .” Sure, Seth, anyone can bang hookers. You pay, you bang. And? So what? You achieved nothing but an orgasm. She’s thinking of anything but you when you’re there — it’s basically expensive masturbation into a female who wishes she were anywhere else but fucking you. Some guys are into that, whatever floats your boat. Red pill guys seek desire sex — sex where women want to fuck you, not where women are fucking you because you’re a paying client. Anyone can do that — and, so, again, so what?… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago

Inherited money/inherited social status sounds like the best topic for the next rational male book. Maybe Rollo already covered it in book 3, I’m gonna order that tonight.

We’ve already pissed off the weak, ugly, and fearful.

Might as well finish it off and go for the poor and unconnected.

These people aught to know what the Red Pill let ME know.

“We pick our own Hell”.

4 years ago

Yollo Lol. For some ( that don’t have ” money ” ) that lack can become a crutch and an excuse. ” Well yeah, if I had a billion dollars like that guy….”. I don’t hate on or count other people’s money, but I’m not impressed by either tons of cash ( fiat most likely ) or a severe lack of it. Just the thought of either can paralyze people sometimes. I guess depending on what a man wants, he should realize that he can have it. Money greases the skids, that’s for sure, but determination, acquired skills and motivation… Read more »

4 years ago

Coke and Viagra.


Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago

This is a touchy subject. I simply thought I’d mention it before it got buried under waves of insecurity and bias. I hear someone hating on money and I think of all the time I wasted being at odds with all the nice qualities I wanted to have in my life.

I’m glad you were able to appreciate my words, Blax.

4 years ago

@Rollo, I’ve read your link and agree with most of your points because that is how it is. The truth is the truth regardless. However, after we cut through the bullshit and go right down to the core what is the natural end result of this male-female dynamic? What benefits does a man achieve in subjugating his natural desires and pairing with one woman as opposed to having almost unlimited options till the day he dies? At the end of the day, lots of supposedly “redpilled ” men still seem still to subjugate themselves to societal programming, whether its based… Read more »

4 years ago

“If . . .”

Key word.

4 years ago

@ walawala You are assuming it is an either or scenario. Sure, Wilma Flintstone will fuck young muscle caveman with no cave in her prime, but she still has to eat and get her hair done. If she wants money and Fred doesn’t have it she’ll fuck his old boss Mr. Slate for it if she needs it that badly. So too will Betty. They just won’t tell. Eventually the young muscular cave man with no cave will become an old caveman with no cave. Mr. Slate will still fuck Pebbles when she turns 18 if she needs the money… Read more »

4 years ago

“If the real reason for learning to become a better man in all aspects ( which I agree with) is to keep and maintain one woman as opposed to having AND exercising other options, then as a man you are not fulfilling your basic prime directive. Ironically, you would have succeeded in that said woman fulfilling hers. ( A strong masculine successful man who maintains several points above her attractiveness, even as hers decline. Choice. As opposed to having none and being chosen for what could be nefarious reasons, leaving you open more to the wraths of her hypergamy. This… Read more »

4 years ago

I’m not sure what you are rambling on about Seth10.

A man has free will and choice and options.

What is “natural” is not always what some have preference for, nor are willing to build their foundation on.

What are you actually advocating for?

And what is natural? Is it a compulsion?

4 years ago

@seth. thank you for that comment. You’ve just confirmed alpha fux beta bux also know as…..hypergamy.

A women’s whole mating strategy is based on making sure her needs are met.

A man using his money and thinking the Russian model is banging him because she wants to bear his children…is deluding himself.

The Black Pill isn’t a sexual strategy it’s the absence of one…

4 years ago


“A women’s whole mating strategy is based on making sure her needs are met”.
comment image

when a girl’s broke, she’ll contact old fat rich guy when she needs money.

when a girls feelings are hurt, she’s gonna contact billy beta when she needs emotional support.

when a girls horny, she’s gonna contact alpha stud when she needs sex.

who do you want to be?

4 years ago

@Palma I move in the circles of people who made their own money, and so far it’s destroyed all the kids it’s touched by rendering them either totally commercially useless or killed them via cars or drugs. There was a study concluding that 70% of wealthy families lose their fortune in the 2nd generation. By the 3rd generation, this number goes up to 90%. […] among the most compelling causes are younger family members who are ill-prepared or unwilling to shoulder the responsibility of wealth stewardship. They have grown up with plenty of money and are a step or two… Read more »

4 years ago

@j when a girls feelings are hurt, she’s gonna contact billy beta when she needs emotional support. when a girls horny, she’s gonna contact alpha stud when she needs sex. Speaking of which… My wife’s friend from school, a single mother (interesting enough, the guy had started another family while still living with her expecting the baby, so not everything’s as stereotypical as the manosphere wants it to be) has quite a few orbiters. Some good looking, but as beta as they come. She’s in her 30s. Fit body, attractive face. Could easily get an alpha stud should she wish… Read more »

4 years ago

We need a famine.

4 years ago

@IRL “Could easily get an alpha stud should she wish to go out and hunt for one” Perhaps I should have emphasized that I was referring to the 17-25 target market. You know? the ones still in their ‘party years’ seeking to fulfill their short term sexual needs. Your 30-35 year old single mommy, isn’t as interested in satisfying her short term sexual needs. She’s in a phase (epiphany?) of her life where she’d rather hold out for a rich high status beta provider winner to take care of her and her kid. But naturally she still wants sex. So… Read more »

4 years ago

@ Cat “…while millions of other Americans eat out of garbage cans.” Hyperbolize much? Tone down the battle-axe and you might get laid more, babe. Well-sexed women flatly can not get up the rage to write that angrily. Wear a skirt, butch. @ ASD How did the convo come up that you are a self-made man (or did she intuit it?) and how did you convey it smoothly to get the upgrade? Masterful work. I’d really like to know the blow-by-blow details of your conversation with her. @ j “Perhaps I should have emphasized that I was referring to the… Read more »

4 years ago

It’s using the diminutive of the same name in a different language this time. Ignore it until the aisle gets cleaned up.

Or, I suppose, shut down.

4 years ago

All the money in the world won’t buy you an ounce of water in Hell.

“Making money” is most Americans raison d’etre; and thus the Living Death that Modern Life is for Most People is normalized.

“Slavery never ended; it was simply expanded to include all the races”

Someone should give that guy a posthumous job with the Times; he could go places…

4 years ago

Oooooooooooook. Anyone else need a shower after reading that?

4 years ago

@Palma I think this is the rub. The education of the children has to begin before the parents have even made the money. That may seem the easiest path. But it wouldn’t explain the remaining <10% of family businesses lasting 3+ generations. Like seduction, this has been studied and a lot has been said about it. Look here for instance: Perpetuating the Family Business: 50 Lessons Learned from the Long-Lasting, Successful Families in Business (John L Ward) Ward looks for answers in family-run companies that have stood the test of time, among them Ford Motors, Marriott Hotels, and Levi-Strauss. From… Read more »

4 years ago


“So she’ll fuck that good looking convenient safe guy in her social circle in the meantime.”

So will millions of high school and college girls this very weekend. Social circle is still the top way young people experience sex.

Don’t let your former experiences occlude this reality.

4 years ago


You have to have observed young girls over time to understand what they do wrt sex. Most aren’t randomly banging strangers.

To find the one’s most likely to do so, hunt in clubs and bars. But recognize the bigger landscape.

4 years ago

@All – I never went back to my last comment on the previous post as I don’t give a shit what any of you had to say about that commentary. Weird mentions of Parakeets don’t make any sense to me… The Red Pill world is becoming a caricature of itself as various voices monetize and we founder. Fyi, it’s not really our fault. The level of subversion and disinformation in our society’s institutions essentially quarantined us so we can really only have a personal experience of the Red Pill, or if we have a collective one, it’s done in obscurity… Read more »

4 years ago


I’m still trying to track my parakeet down.

4 years ago

@ Blaximus, You said you’ve been married for 20+ years. I assume your wife is 40’s -50’s. Are you going to tell me you lust after your wife’s body the same way you did when she was younger? Are you going to tell me that should you be in a position to have younger, hotter women or better looking women than your wife, you would choose not to exercise those options? Maybe the reason for marrying was to get and raise a son. If so you don’t need to commit a lifetime to a particular woman for that. However ,the… Read more »

4 years ago


Lol, I’ve already had this conversation a few dozen times, so I will do without trying to explain.

Fyi, I am in a position to have sex with ” younger ” women. But I don’t tend to pedestalize according to age.

Again, go bang dozens of hundreds of the hottest, youngest ( within reason) women you can get your hands on. Then we can really talk.

Yes, my wife is still extremely attractive, particularly to me. Choose well.

4 years ago


“I took a little time to read about the blue pill etc. ”

You need to take more time… And you sound very thirsty. 🍺

4 years ago


Holy shit, did you see that low flying plane? Looks like it went right over my well someone’s … head …..

4 years ago

“You have to have observed young girls over time to understand what they do wrt sex. Most aren’t randomly banging strangers.” If dating apps are the most common way of seeking sex, which seems to be true for the under 25 set of men and girls-who-are-average-looking, then your statement is only true for people over 25. Social circle is significant, but so are dating apps and bars. I’m not sure that social circle is where most of the sex occurs. And it seems to me that social media and social circle overlap heavily. Things aren’t so cut and dried. Girls… Read more »

4 years ago


“Are you going to tell me you lust after your wife’s body the same way you did when she was younger?”

I’ve been with my wife for 31 years and I lust after her body more than I did when she was younger. And not in a blue pill way (ok, well maybe sometimes…). She is attractive.

“…you would limit yourself to one AND also commit to that one woman in a sealed monogamous relationship”…

That’s not a thing–sealed monogamous relationship. There is no seal. You get to choose each and every day.

4 years ago

Oh, I forgot to say: We are not advocating for monogamy.

Odd thing, Seth, if I got to choose any girl to fuck now, I’d choose my wife now.

4 years ago


Roosh’s new rules for his forum:

It’s over

4 years ago

“We are not advocating for monogamy.”

Seth seems to be reacting here as if he thinks it is somewhere else. There is a reason for the Internet rule “lurk moar.”

4 years ago

Roosh doing what the FI couldn’t… lol

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

Seth, a couple of bars of Doe Ray Me Fa So La Tee Doe , next time before you sing to the choir.

4 years ago

Here you go Seth…

“This 1955 Triumph TR2 was purchased new by the current owner when he was 27 years old. He is now 91 years old and verifies that he has added all 61,295 miles on the odometer. The owner states that the car has never been repainted and has not been driven in the rain in the past 40 years. The car has been stored during Canadian winters and has received continuous maintenance throughout the years. “

I’d lust after this 64YO the same as in 1955…
comment image

4 years ago

yeah but, it doesn’t have GPS or Collision Avoidance Technology. How would you possibly drive it because, say it with me, <I<>everything’s different now.

hee hee heee….

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

How does it go? As a man ages he learns to never trust a fart,never waste a hard-on and if you float it fly it or fuck it then rent it.

You can’t rent a 55 TR2.

4 years ago

But, there’s always Uber.

4 years ago

Ok fellas….. Let’s stop whinging lust around without defining it FFS Deep breath. Lust is the use of sex outside it’s purpose. Now……..again take a breath…. If I could procreate everytime I ejaculated…I would…and you’d have nothing but reverence for me. I would be highly in demand But I don’t so…..what the best alternative to pure fecundity? Ask now: how do you and me and @all use sex to develop lasting, creative and novel meaning? The less the outcome in consequential permanency of sex the more it is defined as lust. The point is this….again take a breath…fuck for fun… Read more »

4 years ago

“I think that Roosh has paid a high price for his time as a player. He understands women so well he can’t pair bond.” Funny, some of us understand women quite well and have no trouble pair bonding. You know, those of us in LTRs for several decades. You are keyboard jockeying. Yes, Roosh doesn’t understand a lot about how to be a man in a LTR. But your diagnosis of the reason is faulty. If you want to marry a feral woman or Entitled Princess ™, like Katarina in “The Taming of the Shrew,” you will have to train… Read more »

4 years ago

Lest we overlook it, about 27% of married women under 30 (2010 cohort) have only had sex with their husbands. (Maybe they lied about it. I don’t know how to find data of this kind without relying on women’s statements.) They are also the segment least likely to divorce. (This lends strength to their statements.)

4 years ago

@ Palma “But he understands too much about the bad parts of their nature…” Bad parts? Why would nature perpetuate “bad”. Sounds specious…and butthurt on Roosh’s part. Roosh is not getting something others get and have gotten for well forever, and I agree with you he’s damaged and insular. Think of a ignorant friend not never caring what an oil change is and the engine seizes and your buddy baffled claims: “Stupid car. Must be bad parts.” Women are not the enemy, IMO. Let’s immediately stop sanctifying the godfathers of the manosphere. They’d appreciate the reality. Enough with the golden… Read more »

4 years ago

What did you find Dad?

4 years ago

“Women are not the enemy, IMO.”


I go about my business and talk to guys. It never fails as an archetypical thing. The guys that are not getting laid launch into a tirade about how a top down approach to “teaching woman how to behave” ensues. I get bored and lose interest in their speech. I hate that talk.

And then Roosh goes into a tirade on how to teach guys how to behave religiously. How trite and bizarre. It is a shame to not to be in a state of release from constraint. Shame on youse. Fuck.

Cuntimus Prime
Cuntimus Prime
4 years ago

Rollo I admire your work. Your work is the only thing that keeps me sane in this world. Same for Rian Stone. Rian has a knack for cutting out the bullshit as well. Same for older Chateau Heartiste work. When you read that stuff it makes sense. Instead people are now polluting The Red Pill with the meaning of life and God. It looks like a form of powerplay. “True” Red Pill (similar to “TRVE BLACK METAL” is now “Be a traditionalist and a deep thinker”. It is a powerplay. And it POLLUTES The Red Pill. The Red Pill is… Read more »

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