Post written by

Kevin Kan


You know about the “glass ceiling,” the barrier that prevents women from attaining the highest roles in organizations. But have you heard of the “bamboo ceiling?”

Many Asian managers today looking to make that career-defining move to executive leadership positions in large organizations or multi-national companies find that the big promotion often eludes them. These high-potential employees are being bypassed. Are they not up to par, or is there a bamboo ceiling blocking Asians from C-suites and boardrooms?

The fact is that in Asia and around the world, top executive positions are still predominantly held by non-Asians. This has been documented in academia, the media and by governments around the world. Questions have also been raised about the level of diversity and inclusion in the corporate governance context.


There are several reasons as to why Asians are not appointed to executive, C-suite or board positions. There is the “old boys club,” for one, which excludes all those who don’t fit their criteria for belonging: the right schools, the right universities, the right clubs. From a diversity point of view, these old boys clubs are not always about race per se, though they are often about gender. It’s all about networking: who do you know, and who knows you?

Research and real-world cases reveal that despite their achievements and being highly skilled and well-educated, Asians are still not being appointed to executive positions because of perceived personality traits that they are not assertive, strong or confident leaders.

It’s important to note that there is a greater representation of some Asian nationalities (those of Indian origin, for example) in top executive roles, due to greater fluency in written and spoken English. Globally, those who originate from the Indian sub-continent — Satya Nadella at Microsoft or Sundar Pichai at Google, for example — can attribute their success to both technical knowledge as well as a strong command of English at organizations that operate entirely in English. East Asians from countries where English is not a national or secondary language are less visible in executive roles. I’ve heard comments that their “peculiar” accent impacts their level of confidence and perceived authority.

Resolving this diversity issue is a long-term task, but there are things that can be done by individuals and organizations to help Asian managers prepare for these roles as they open up.

1. Know your achievements.

Asian parents teach their kids to be humble and not brag. This doesn’t work in the corporate world. Results truly matter for senior leadership roles. You will not get promoted or hired based on just years of experience or your relationships.

Ask yourself, “Do people know about my achievements?” You need to learn the subtle art of blowing your own trumpet without it sounding like you are bragging. Having your manager speak about your achievements during leadership meetings is one way to gain credibility and let other leaders know about your capabilities.

2. Network.

Building a network is important so that people can stand up for you or recommend you for any role that may come up. They are your fan base, your supporters. Networking internally and externally helps to strengthen your personal brand.

Build your network by helping colleagues or departments and collaborating with them on projects. They get to see your value this way. Your results will build trust in the people you meet who can then vouch for you.

Building external networks grows your value within the organization as you can foster growth with new sales opportunities or partnerships. You could also spot external positions within your network!

3.  Develop your personal brand.

Your personal brand needs to be carefully curated to foster credibility and authority. Your perceived image will be what an organization’s leadership will remember you for. Nurture your personal brand so that it projects the authentic image of you. Be consistent in the way you communicate or interact internally and externally.

Many top executives have executive coaches to use as a sounding board. A coach can help you gain trust in your decision making. Employees often know innately what to do, but hesitate to make a decision. Talking it over with a knowledgeable third party helps make that decision, and over time, confidence is gained to make decisions quickly and, in most cases, correctly, which enhances your personal branding.

4.  Hone your executive presence.

Take steps to increase the probability of advancement with leadership training, media training and voice training so that you can command a meeting room or confidently deliver a corporate message at conferences, to the media or to engage employees during town halls. This is what is defined as executive presence. Define the qualities that differentiate you from the pack and help you stand out as a leader – that je ne sais quoi or X-factor. Do you look like you belong in the executive club?

What Organizations Can Do

Organizations can help Asian high-potential employees by advocating stretch assignments or job rotation for these candidates. They can demonstrate their capabilities to other leaders in the organization or gain new knowledge of the business to prepare them for the next big promotion. Having high-potential employees work with leaders in other departments, who have a seat at the table for job openings or promotions, allows these candidates to broaden their network.

The human resources community should be advocates for these high-potential employees during talent management discussions and recommend that they are assigned executive coaches to groom them into these top positions.

So, in closing, I ask you, why can’t Asians be a success in the C-suite or boardroom?

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