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The level of detail of the exposition has been set so as to keep a survey style, while providing sufficient insights into the proofs so the reader can understand the mechanisms at work. The book is organized into three parts.
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This book combines foundational constructions in the theory of motives and results relating motivic cohomology to more explicit constructions. Prerequisite for understanding the work is a basic background in algebraic geometry.
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This book explores the relationship between such abelian varieties over finite fields and over arithmetically interesting fields of characteristic 0 via the study of several natural CM lifting problems which had previously been solved only ...
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The book emphasizes the foundations of the subject, and it sets the stage for the dramatic results (established since the 1980s) relating large cardinals and determinacy or allowing applications of Descriptive Set Theory to classical ...
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This work features the interplay of two main branches of mathematics: topology and real analysis. The material of the book is largely contained in the research publications of the authors and their students from the past 50 years.
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This book discusses the initial developments by Stieltjes, Markov, and Chebyshev, and later contributions by Hamburger, Nevanlinna, Hausdorff, and Stone.
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The book is practically self-contained, except that familiarity with algebraic number theory is assumed and several standard facts are stated without detailed proof, but with precise references.
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This book sets forth the pertinent parts of that theory, with particular attention to the key spaces $C_n, B, K$, and Hilbert space.
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This book combines foundational constructions in the theory of motives and results relating motivic cohomology to more explicit constructions. Prerequisite for understanding the work is a basic background in algebraic geometry.