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Euproctus, the European mountain salamanders, is a genus of salamanders in the family Salamandridae from Sardinia and Corsica. Wikipedia
Genus: Euproctus; Gené, 1838
Calotriton, or the European brook newts, is a genus of newts native to the Pyrenees and central Catalonia (Catalan Pre-coastal Range).
Taxon naturally restricted to the geographical area considered. endemic. Least concern (species for which the risk of disappearing is low).
Long classified in the genus Euproctus this urodele is now classified in the genus Calotriton because it belongs to an evolutionary line quite distinct from ...
L'Euprocte des Pyrénées est présent sur l'ensemble de la chaîne des Pyrénées. On l'observe entre 800 et 2 000 mètres (jusqu'à 2 600 mètres). Il affectionne les ...
The European polecat (Mustela putorius), also known as the common polecat, black polecat and forest polecat, is a mustelid species native to western Eurasia ...
Euproctus montanus. Euprocte Corse ID: 0000 0000 1214 1254 [detail] © 2014 Axel Hernandez. Euproctus montanus. Corsican Brook Salamander ID ...
Specifications ; Language. French ; Publisher. KS Omniscriptum Publishing ; Book Format. Paperback ; Original Languages. French.
Euprocte des Pyrénées - Euproctus asper. Pyrénées Orientales (66). Done ... Amphibiens & Reptiles d'Europe 1,629 items; Evasion.....montagnes 26,687 items ...
EVA is an online educational platform offering courses in the areas of infectious diseases and public health. Crowdsourcing ...
Taxonomy Euproctus montanus (Euprocte de Corse (L')): scientific and common names, classification, synonymy, taxonomic tree.