State Rep. Tana Senn started in Mercer Island politics more than a decade ago, then her neighbors sent her to the Capitol. They should send her back, and not just because she doesn’t have a credible opponent.

The Democrat has been a solid representative for the 41st District, which includes Mercer Island, southern Bellevue, Newcastle and out past Beaver Lake. She still brings that local touch to her work. More important, though, she recognizes that her actions, especially as chair of the House Children, Youth and Families Committee, impact Washingtonians across the state. It’s not unusual to catch her heading out to Walla Walla or down to Vancouver to check in on what families and communities there want for their kids.

Seattle Times editorial board endorsements: Nov. 8, 2022, general election

Also noteworthy is the fact that Senn is a leading voice on blockchain technology in the Capitol. She wants Washington to lure blockchain researchers and companies not just for the potential economic boom but also to make sure that the technology blooms in a way that is equitable, just and sensitive to environmental needs. Blockchain is about more than just cryptocurrency, and Washington has an opportunity to become ground zero for it.

Her reelection bid got a tremendous boost from the fact that her opponent, Mike Nykreim, identifies with the Trumpian, election-denying Election Integrity movement. He could not be reached for an endorsement interview, but his public statements disqualify him from serious consideration.

Senn gets the job done. Send her back to Olympia for another term.